Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Informative Speech Key Club - 770 Words

Key Club General Purpose: To Inform Method of Organization: Topical Citation Format: APA Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, my audience will now be aware as to what key club is, the benefits of it, and what the organization does. Central Idea (Thesis): Although Key Club is an international organization there are very few people who really know what it is and the difference it makes. Introduction I.I’m going to first ask the audience if they know what key club is, and if they were members themselves, and no key club does not make keys. II. I was a member of key club for two years and was my school s Vice President of key club, I have a strong passion for key club. III. Although Key Club is an international organization there are very few people who really know what it is and the difference it makes. IV. Today I m going to inform you on the history of key club, the benefits of key club, and the difference key club makes on the world. (Let s start with the history.) Body I. First, I will talk about the history of key club. A.I will mention how Key Club got started. 1. The first key club dates back to 1925 in Sacramento, California at the Sacramento High School. 2. According to the official key club website under the history and timeline tab, â€Å"Key Club was the idea of two Sacramento Kiwanis club members, Albert C. Olney and Frank C. Vincent, who also were high school administrators.† (International, 2010). B. I will talk about the Kiwanis club. 1. TheShow MoreRelated1. Why Do You Want To Be A Writing Fellow, And What Will1239 Words   |  5 Pagesorganization dedicated to mentoring middle school students with learning disabilities. Our club strives to help young students develop confidence in their academic pursuits while exploring their individual struggles. Despite the Undergraduate Writing Fellows primarily working with non LD undergrads, I know my experience with LD children has taught me how to effectively tutor students in a scholarly environment. 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