Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Physical Inactivity a Growing Health Concern †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Talk about thePhysical Inactivity a Growing Health Concern. Answer: Presentation The web and mechanical advancements have been invited in the twentieth and 21st century because of their capacity to connect correspondence holes and rearrange work. However, closer examination uncovers a significant wellbeing concern creating among the worldwide populace which is expanding dependent and utilization of innovation and the web. This is particularly influencing office experts and laborers who wind up sitting fixed at the workplace work area for a long time bringing about physical latency issues. This has likewise brought about working experts enrolling a higher pace of way of life maladies which are straightforwardly ascribed to absence of sufficient physical action. Because of a sharp ascent in the quantity of ailments identified with physical dormancy, for example, coronary illness, diabetes, corpulence and joint pain among office laborers during the previous decade (1). The issue has deteriorated during the previous decade since the presentation and utilization of sh rewd advancements at the workplace which has decreased the prerequisite for physical development among office representatives rather than the passed. The issue isn't constrained to office workers and when firmly inspected can be seen over the whole society. Populaces at Risk A significant concern connected to physical inertia is that the issue is being enlisted among all age bunches running from youngsters to adolescents, grown-ups and the old. Every one of the age bunches is by all accounts directly affecting the senior age which has set off a chain response among whole populaces (2). Each age bunch has been caught and become dependent by the tight clamp which has step by step brought about them getting subject to the contraptions. Yet, the most powerless populace are office laborers who are confined to working for a considerable length of time around their work area which makes them at most elevated danger of creating ailments connected to physical inertia. Kids Kids are no absolved from physical action related concerns and they also have been straightforwardly focused with a huge number of kids succumbing to the wellbeing concern. This has particularly been seen in urban territories where youngsters have restricted space to play and be dynamic bringing about them going through the vast majority of their day sitting at school after which they get back to do likewise (3). Innovations, for example, Television, PCs, and cell phones have just helped fuel the physical latency issue by subjugating kids to remain back home and get engaged while sitting inactive. The quantity of kids visiting parks to play has been continually diminishing as of late as they get dependent on sitting inactive they lose enthusiasm for a viable world which requires genuine exertion to exceed expectations and want to live in their virtual existence where things appear to be simpler and can be corrected and replays at a clasp of a catch (4). Young people Physical latency is likewise influencing the young person legitimately whereby they are embracing portable innovations to impart which is cutting off the connection and need to for all intents and purposes meet one another and experience the world. Today it is entirely expected to discover young people just gazing into their Smartphone throughout the day talking with companions as opposed to going out to meet them (5). Other than physical inertia, this has additionally brought about creating social worries among the adolescents who can't interface with individuals ordinarily vis-Ã -vis. This is because of them having built up a propensity to meet and impart through their contraptions without expecting to meet individuals accordingly bringing about them building up a social fear which is relied upon to effectsly affect the age once grown-up and need to work (6). Clinical wellbeing conditions, just as physical movement concerns, are additionally on the ascent since the adolescents are going through hours alone which are influencing their body and wellbeing legitimately and the eventual outcomes of this negative way of life will be seen once they become more established. Office Employees and Professionals Urban Adults are among the most exceedingly terrible influenced the same number of were raised in provincial regions and used to physical action every day except needed to move to urban zones to look for business and work (7). Today most of urban occupations require for grown-ups to go through eight hours every day in their office with many expecting to sit on a work area for the duration of the time. Innovation has incredibly diminished the need to move from one work area to the next which has brought about representative getting stable and expecting to sit the entire day at their work area. These outcomes in seriously influencing physical wellbeing prompting genuine ailments straightforwardly connected to the work. Incapable to move uninhibitedly, walk or stand and work numerous urban grown-ups are ending up being determined to have genuine ailments connected to absence of physical action. While many put in their push to walk and exercise regularly continually sitting for quite a l ong time constantly at the workplace work area is prompting genuine wellbeing conditions (8). This isn't constrained to working grown-ups yet in addition house producers in urban regions who are additionally getting themselves incapable to play out the sufficient physical movement regularly because of living in little lofts with little action to do consequently prompting physical inertia. Older With all age bunches previously experiencing Physical Inactivity concerns, the old have additionally ended up likewise experiencing a similar wellbeing and ailments because of absence of sufficient physical action (9). This is particularly being knowledgeable about urban territories again where absence of room has brought about individuals expecting to consider moving to the tall structure and loft squares which make strolling or moving a test for the old. Populaces in rustic regions are by and large less influenced as they have more space permitting them to move openly in this manner the issue of Physical Inactivity in for the most part related to urban region inhabitants (10). Laying out the Issues Risk Factors Physical Inactivity among office laborers has been legitimately connected to an ascent in way of life sicknesses (11). Today office worker is grumbling of joint issues and shortcoming which progressively heightened to influence their bodys digestion and wellbeing. Some normal dangers legitimately connected to Physical Inactivity among office workers incorporate High circulatory strain, type 2 Diabetes, coronary illness, nervousness, and misery, increment a danger of malignancy, overweight and corpulence and the higher danger of falls and wounds (12). These are the hazard which is legitimately connected with Physical Inactivity and there are numerous extra auxiliary dangers which are likewise connected to the Physical Inactivity. Target Population, Goal, and Objectives of Proposed Intervention Physical Inactivity is a developing issue among urban populaces over the globe and the main intercession connected to tending to this clinical and wellbeing concern guaranteeing populaces become all the more genuinely dynamic. Office laborers are the most severely influenced as they are committed to go to their employments which are restricting their physical movement bringing about genuine medical issues. This makes them the essential populace who need earnest goal and help improve and elevate physical action to improve their wellbeing. Target, Goals, and Objectives The objective of the proposed mediation is help teach, energize and bolster influenced populace to beat the Physical Inactivity issue. The issues are legitimately connected to receiving terrible ways of life rehearses however while different populaces have the benefit to turn out to be increasingly dynamic, office laborers are restricted to their work commitments. This makes them the most defenseless populace influenced by physical inertia and requires for aims to be created to address office laborers idleness needs quickly (13). The objective is give partner and backing to help the workplace laborer become increasingly dynamic while at the workplace and use breaks just as present physical movement meetings every day to help improve representative physical versatility during their work move at the workplace. Proposed Intervention To beat the physical dormancy issue confronting the worldwide populace the network and government should cooperate to convey an answer. Physical dormancy has been seen to influence for the most part city inhabitants yet the workplace specialist is more regrettable influenced due to being bound to their office work area (14). To beat the difficult organizations should grow new physical movement approaches which make it Copan's Ary for every work area bound representative to take an interest in pre-sorted out physical action meeting last no under 30 minutes as the day at the workplace. Notwithstanding working experts, other influenced age gatherings will likewise need to include in physical action to take out the issue among all age gatherings and populaces. Youngsters Youth is the most dynamic time of any people life making it basic for physical action to be advanced among youngsters since it helps support development and fortify their bodies. To help support action among kids the administration must have the option to give offices, for example, stops and gardens where youngsters can play however the principle concern connected to idleness among kids has been connected to diversion innovations. The TV, PC, and cell phone among a few different innovations have been legitimately connected to advancing physical idleness among youngsters (15). Today youngsters get up in the first part of the day with the aim to watch their kid's shows and shows or mess around on the PC, Smartphone, and different contraptions. Guardians, then again, are holding on and looking as this expansion raises without assuming responsibility for the circumstance. This is primarily seen in urban zones where guardians need to work and are hesitant to send their youngsters out to p lay bringing about them urging them to stare at the TV and utilize different devices at home. This is bringing about kids building up a propensity for being inert and not ready to take an interest in exercises which requ
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Rethinking The Watchtowers Essays - Wicca, Witchcraft, Magic
Reconsidering the Watchtowers Reconsidering THE WATCHTOWERS or on the other hand 13 Reasons Air ought to be in the North ======================================= by Mike Nichols copyright 1989 by Mike Nichols (affectionately devoted to Kathy Whitworth) Presentation Everything began 20 years prior. I was 16 years of age at that point, and an ongoing start to the religion of Wicca. Like most novices, I was anxious to start chip away at my Book of Shadows, the customary composition ritualistic book kept by most rehearsing Witches. I duplicated down ceremonies, spells, plans, sonnets, and tables of correspondences from each source I could lay hands on. Those by and large fell into two wide catagories: distributed works, for example, the numerous books accessible on Witchcraft and enchantment; and unpublished works, for the most part other Witches' Books of Shadows. Twenty years prior, the majority of us were traditonal enough to duplicate everything by hand. (Today, copying and even PC modem moves are getting de rigueur.) Always, we were scolded to duplicate each speck what's more, comma, making a careful translation of the first, since any variety in the function may mess major up for the performer. Sometimes, if at any time, did anybody respite to consider where these ceremonies originated from in any case, or who made them. The vast majority of us, oh, didn't have a clue what's more, couldn't have cared less. It was sufficient just to follow the rubrics and do the customs as recommended. However, something acquired me to an unexpected end my replicating craze. I had obediently duplicated ceremonies from various sources, and out of nowhere figured it out they contained clashing components. I ended up contrasting the two forms, pondering which one was correct, right, valid, unique, more established, and so forth. This offered ascend to the more broad inquiries about where a custom originated from in any case. Who made it? Was it made by one individual or many? Was it at any point modified in transmission? In the event that anyway, was it unintentionally or expectation? Do we know? Is there ever any approach to discover? How did a specific ceremony get into a Coven's Book of Shadows? From another, more established, Book of Shadows? Or then again from a distributed source? Assuming this is the case, where did the creator of the distributed work get it? I had scarcely started to expose what's underneath, but I could as of now observe that the inquiries being raised were mind boggling. (Presently, every one of these years after the fact, I am more persuaded than any time in recent memory of the overwhelming multifaceted nature of Neo-Pagan formal history. What's more, I am similarly persuaded of the extraordinary significance of this point for an exhaustive comprehension of current Witchcraft. It might well be a female horse's home, however envision the worth it should future Craft students of history. What's more, you are genuinely ensured to see me fly into a enthusiastic tirade at whatever point I'm gone up against with such dull over-improvements as Crowley is the REAL creator of the Third Degree inception, or Everybody KNOWS Gardner INVENTED current Witchcraft.) Clashing TRADITIONS The first occasion when I saw clashing ceremonial components was the point at which I was welcomed as a visitor to go to another Coven's esbat festivity. When the opportunity arrived to conjure the Watchtowers (a custom welcome to the four bearings), I was flabbergasted to discover that this gathering related the component of Earth with the North. My own Coven compared North with Air. How odd, I thought. Where'd they get that? The High Priestess disclosed to me it had been replicated out of various distributed sources. Further, she said she had never observed it recorded some other way. I dashed home and started tearing books from my own library racks. Also, sufficiently sure! Basically every book I counseled gave the accompanying assoications as standard: North = Earth, East = Air, South = Fire, West = Water. At that point where the hell did I get the possibility that Air had a place in the North? After much idea, I had duplicated my own basic/directional relationship from another Witch's Book of Shadows, her Book speaking to (so she asserted) an old Welsh custom. Maybe I'd duplicated it down wrong? A speedy significant distance call set my psyche straight on that score. (At the point when I asked her where she'd gotten it, she said she THOUGHT it was from an even more established Book of Shadows, however she wasn't sure.) At this point, I felt miffed that my own traditon appeared to be at change with most distributed sources. In any case, my own ceremonies didn't appear to be antagonistically influenced. Nor were those of my kindred Coven individuals, every one of whom put Air in the North. Further, throughout the years I had amassed heaps of affiliations and correspondences that appeared to REQUIRE Air to be in the North. The
Friday, July 31, 2020
The Creative Penn Has Much to Offer Writers
The Creative Penn Has Much to Offer Writers If you are a writer looking for information about the process of planning, writing, publishing and marketing your book, The Creative Penn is an excellent resource. In fact, it was voted one of the top 100 sites for writers by Writers Digest and offers over 1,000 articles and 100+ hours of audio and podcast information, as well as multiple downloads and bonus material. As the mastermind behind the website, Joanna Penn is an award-nominated, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of thrillers under the penname J.F. Penn and offers valuable advice through several free and paid resources available on the website.Navigating the siteWith easy-to-navigate links and enough white space to make the text-heavy site readable, The Creative Penn suggests that visitors start here with a page full of great resources for novice and expert writers alike. At the top of the page, Penn offers her free eBook and video series, Author 2.0 Blueprint, in which she shares everything you need to write, publish and market your book, as well as how to become an author-entrepreneur. Her websites visitors will need to provide and confirm their email address to download the free resource.WritingNext on the sites navigation is a link to Penns free resources on writing and editing. On this page, she offers articles and tips based on the following topics:How to Write Fiction: 7 Steps to Write Your NovelHow to Write a Non-Fiction BookHow to Find Time to WriteHow to Find and Capture Ideas for your NovelHow to Research your Book and When to StopSelf-doubt and Imposter SyndromeYou Have PermissionOn Writing and The Fear of JudgmentWhat is your Definition of Success as a Writer?How to Write More and Create A Daily Writing HabitHow to Use Dictation to Write Faster and Become a Healthier WriterProductivity for Writers: 5 Ways to Become More Productive5 Ways to Get Your First Draft Material Out of Your Head and Onto the Page8 Ways Scrivener Will Help You Become a Proficient WriterUsing Different Author Names or a Pseudonym as a WriterEditing, Revisions and Proofreading: What Happens After the First Draft?How to Find and Work with a Professional EditorTutorial: How to Improve your Writing with GrammarlyMy list of Recommended EditorsAfter following some of the links along this extensive list, I found a wealth of information on all aspects of writing and locating the right professional editor for your work. I particularly enjoyed the information she provides on setting goals and deadlines for yourself to stay productive as a writer and get more accomplished in less time. Many of the links also show videos of the author and guide the reader toward additional resources (both free and paid) that are available online and through Amazon.Self-PublishingThe next page full of links on The Creative Penn relates to self-publishing. In this section, the topics she goes into in depth include:Self-Publishing Overview and TipsPros and Cons of Traditional vs. Self-publishing5 Important Steps Before You Self-PublishWhat is Your Definition of Success? How Will you Measure it?How to Self-Publish an EbookHow to Format an Ebook and a Print Book with VellumThe Pros and Cons of Exclusivity with AmazonHow to Self-Publish a Print BookHow to Self-Publish an AudiobookHow to Record Your Own AudiobookWhat if you need help self-publishing? How to Find the Best Service and Avoid Getting Ripped OffSell More Books with Boxsets and BundlingTurn your Non-Fiction Book into a WorkbookHow Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish?Successful Self-Publishing Tips with Joanna Penn and Mark DawsonTop 5 Mistakes of Indie Authors and How to Avoid ThemThis section contains anything and everything you could ever want to know about how to self-publish your book, including information on recording your own audiobook and creating a workbook for your nonfiction book. I especially liked watching the videos she includes on many of these links, such as this one.Its obvious from Penns easygoing instruction and exp ertise that she knows what shes talking about when it comes to writing and publishing a book, and its nice to have a sort of insiders glance at the world of self-publishing from someone who has done it often and become successful at it.MarketingThe marketing section of the blog is where Penns expertise really shows. In the first part, she discusses the basics and prerequisites for author marketing success, followed by the polarities of book marketing and where you sit on the scale, the book marketing mindset for authors, when to start marketing your book and how to balance your time.She follows that section with topics such as how to attract readers with a great book sales description, how to choose the right categories and keywords for your book, pricing books and offering free copies, using author pseudonyms, using box-sets and bundling, and writing a series.Following this, she offers a great tutorial on how to build your author website in under 30 minutes. Having set up websites on my own and knowing the amount of work that goes into it (especially for a website design newbie), I decided to pay special attention to this section. As with other articles on her blog, Penn offers helpful resources such as a YouTube video and a free downloadable PDF to help authors set up their sites. She even offers a discounted affiliate link through BlueHost.com, which is the hosting platform she suggests for other authors.Its important to keep in mind that to build the website in 30 minutes, as Penn suggests is possible, you have to have a blog already set up on WordPress. Her instructions include a WordPress plugin through Blue Host that allows your WordPress site to basically transfer over. So yes, Im sure this can be done in 30 minutes but if an author is starting from scratch (without a blog already published on WordPress), they should not expect the site to be done within that timeframe.From an online marketing perspective, Penns advice on building and maintaining email lists for steady income includes a case study showing how she grew her own email list as and author. This particular resource is chock full of helpful advice on some of the finer points of automating email marketing campaigns. Penn explains that she went 603 people on her email list in November 2014 to 2,255 in January 2015 following this series of steps, which she clearly lays out for her reader. From a marketing perspective, I found the content to be extremely helpful to decode some of the confusion around email marketing campaigns and their usefulness.EntrepreneurIf you want to know how to make writing your day job and successful career, theres no better person to ask than someone who does just that. Based in Bath, England and a self-proclaimed travel junkie, Joanna Penn is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling thriller author who has written over 27 books. She is also an international professional speaker and award-winning creative entrepreneur. She has also written and se lf-published several nonfiction titles related to writing, including How To Market A Book, Business for Authors: How to be an Author Entrepreneur, How to Make a Living with your Writing, The Successful Author Mindset, The Healthy Writer, Successful Self-Publishing, Public Speaking for Authors, Creatives and Other Introverts, and Career Change.The Creative Penn PodcastFor writers who prefer to listen to interviews with authors and tips about writing, the podcast available on The Creative Penn website is free and available on RSS, iTunes, Android, Stitcher, and YouTube. With a combination of interviews, inspiration and information, the podcasts are posted every Monday and there are currently over 350 podcast episodes available to listen to and/or download.Some of the most recent podcast episodes listed are:#386 â€" Foolproof Dictation and Zero Social Media with Christopher Downing#385 â€" How to Write Effective Injuries For Your Characters with Samantha Keel#384 â€" The Artists Journe y with Steven Pressfield#383 â€" Tips for Editing your Book with Natasa Lekic from NY Book Editors#382 â€" Redesign your Life to Prioritize your Writing with David Kadavy#381 â€" Writing with Depression with Michaelbrent CollingsCoursesThe Creative Penn website also provides access to three courses taught by Joanna Penn: How to Write a Novel, How to Write Non-Fiction: Turn Your Knowledge Into Words and Creative Freedom: How to Make a Living With Your Writing.The How to Write a Novel course is described as a step-by-step guide to understanding story structure and the elements of a novel, and then writing and editing your manuscript. The price at the time of this review is $297 or $50 per month for six months. According to Penn, it contains downloadable audio and PDF slides to allow students to learn at their own pace, with five modules along with extra QA videos with Joanna Penn.The How to Write Non-Fiction: Turn Your Knowledge Into Words course, according to Penn, will save you time , effort and frustration on your author journey. Penn describes the course as one in which she shares the business models of writing non-fiction, mindset issues around writing, the details of how to research, write and edit your book, dictation and productivity tips, as well as publishing, product creation, marketing and more.The Creative Freedom: How to Make a Living With Your Writing course is designed to be used to build a long-term sustainable business as an author entrepreneur and is an advanced-level course, available for writers who have already published a book. According to Penns description, it is specifically designed for writers who have a book or books but arent making money from them or writers who currently make some money from their writing but not enough.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince - 854 Words
Niccolà ² Machiavelli’s The Prince has been both praised and reviled since its publication. In particular, the book’s seventeenth chapter, â€Å"Of Cruelty and Clemency, and Whether it is Better to be Loved or Feared,†controversially posits that an effective leader ought to value being feared over being loved (Machiavelli 43). Though many have questioned the veracity of Machiavelli’s claim, an examination of some of the world’s most effective leaders shows that they led through fear. Alexander the Great, the leaders of the Mongols, and even Hammurabi used fear to maintain their authority and the security of their domains. Alexander the Great led victorious military campaigns from Macedonia to Egypt, Persia, and beyond, establishing a mighty empire all during his brief life of 32 years (Cole et al. 89). He did not accomplish this feat through kindness but through repeated acts of cruelty perpetrated against his enemies, both at home and abroad. The death of Alexander’s father, Philip II, resulted in a number of revolts across Macedonia and Greece (Cole et al. 90). Alexander swiftly established his authority as the new ruler by destroying the city walls of Thebes, the spot of one such revolt (Ibid). This sort of action fits neatly into Machiavelli’s thinking. Machiavelli wrote that, â€Å"†¦ he who quells disorder by a very few signal examples will in the end be more merciful than he who from too great leniency permits things to take their course and so to result in rapine andShow MoreRelatedNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1719 Words  | 7 PagesMachiavelli’s, The Prince, a book written by Niccolà ² Machiavelli, is a read that most people wouldn’t prefer to read as a first option but in defense to Niccolo, it brings out many themes such as Goodwill and Hatred, Free will, and Human Nature. â€Å"It is known from his personal correspondence that The Prince was written during 1513, the year after the Medici took control of Florence, and a few months after Machiavelli s arrest, torture, and banishment by the Medici regime†(Bio.com). The novel wasRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince892 Words  | 4 PagesNiccolà ² Machiavelli wrote The Prince with the sole purpose of impressing the Medici family and getting on the good side of the new ruler of Florence, Lorenzo di Piero de’ Medici. By writing this â€Å"handbook to ruling,†Machiavelli hoped to sway the Medici to accept him as an ally and possible political advisor. He was extremely convincing as he used examples from the past as a â€Å"political lesson†to further distinguish his ideas as correct. By seeing the successes and failures of those in power, MachiavelliRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince2212 Words  | 9 Pages Niccolà ² Machiavelli was an Italian diplomat, politician, writer and philosopher who lived during the Renaissance period. He was a significant contributor to modern political science, specifically in the field of political ethics. He wrote his most famous work, The Prince, after the Medici family had returned to power and he was removed from the political scene. The devious and corrupt sort of politicians he describes in The Prince serve as the inspiration for the now commonplace term â€Å"MachiavellianRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince879 Words  | 4 Pages Machiavelli wrote The Prince in 16th-century. His methods of acquiring and maintaining rule over people are not relevant in today’s modern American society. There are many principles that are still true in politics today, but the methods of ruling can no longer be used in American society today. Niccolà ² Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy in 1496. He was a diplomat in Italy s Florentine Republic for fourteen years. This was during the Medici family exile, and when they returned, MachiavelliRead MoreMachiavelli s The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli1943 Words  | 8 PagesNiccolà ² Machiavelli’s The Prince is a book that examines the qualities and strategies required for a ruler in order to maintain power. Despite being composed in the 16th century, the ideas presented are applicable even to mythical kings from texts over a thousand years ago. Throughout the story of Seneca’s Oedipus, substantial connections could be made between Oedipus and The Prince’s ideas of rule, such as methods in acquiring principalities, channeling subjects’ fear, the use of cruelty and controllingRead MoreSummary On Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince 1109 Words  | 5 PagesAssignment - April 19, 2015 Niccolà ² Machiavelli’s The Prince and Ian Johnston’s Lecture on Machiavelli’s The Prince Niccolà ² Machiavelli, a Florentine, lived between the years of 1469-1527. In 1513, Machiavelli wrote The Prince and gifted it to the Medici family with the original title of About Principalities. He first dedicated the work to Giuliano de’ Medici and later to Lorenzo de’ Medici. It was a political critique that was later printed under the title of The Prince in 1532. The treatise wasRead MoreAn Analysis Of Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince 941 Words  | 4 PagesNiccolo Machiavelli and Karl Marx developed theories concerning wealth and poverty in our society, as well as different types of governments. For instance, Machiavelli supported a capitalist economic system, unlike Marx, who embraced socialism in the society. Machiavelli wrote a book The Prince that explained how to be an effective leader. The theme of the book is the end justifies the means. A person could or should do whatever is necessary to achieve the desired goal. According to MachiavelliRead Mor eNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1293 Words  | 6 PagesBy many, Niccolà ² Machiavelli is infamous for being one of the most controversial political philosophers during the period of 1494-1564. Machiavelli is a realist whose lack of idealistic optimism is the root of his cynicism towards human nature and human weakness. He is a perpetuator of the idea that â€Å"the means justifies the end.†Although an ample amount of individuals criticize his principles, many rational thinkers embrace the political realities he so adamantly acquaints his readers with in hisRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1465 Words  | 6 PagesNiccolà ² Machiavelli had a very negative view when it came to the nature of humans. He made the weakness of human nature the central message of all his writings. Machiavelli’s mannerist cynicism about human weakness came about from wounded idealism, for life had taught him that his early optimism was wrong. In most of his writings, he is mea ning for human nature to restore sanity to a world that he believed to have gone mad. Machiavelli’s most enduring contribution that left the strongest imprintRead MoreNiccolo Machiavelli s The Prince864 Words  | 4 PagesNiccolo Machiavelli, was an Italian diplomat and writer, born on May 3rd, 1469 in Florence, Italy. In his younger years, Niccolo became a diplomat after the downfall of the Medici family in 1494. Machiavelli earned the reputation of vicious since he enjoyed tormenting his associates. In 1512, the Medici family came to power once again and Machiavelli was accused of conspiracy thus was tortured, jailed and nonetheless banished from getting involved in politics and from Florence (Niccolo Machiavelli
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Book Review Odyssey - 2531 Words
Alexis Lauren Robinson December 03, 2014 Odyssey Sections Book Thirteen: 1-79: The section of this book in which Alcinous is stunned by how much Odysseus has suffered. Alcinous believes that he will sail home from Ithaca. The king and the rest of his people throw him a type of celebration in which they slaughter an ox, sing, and Odysseus is launched into the sea. 80-212: Royal escorts took the gifts produced by the queen while Odysseus sleeps. Poseidon angered by the Phaeacians talks with Zeus about their punishment for sending castaways into the sea. At the end they reach an agreement that in front of the Phaeacians when their ship returns in will be†¦show more content†¦The swineherd made those walls with his own hands to enclose pigs without the help of anyone. (built of quarried blocks and coped with a fence of wild pear.) Drives stakes, in the yard he built twelve beds to house his pigs and were breed. The suitors’ feast are thinning the population of boars who sleep outside; this keeps the swineherd sending to town his beast hog. A pack of four dogs guards them however. He sends a hog in town and one to the suitors to feast on. 32-83: Odysseus is almost attacked by the pack of guard dogs. But, is saved by the swineherd who invites him in to talk of where he is from and the pains he has endured as well as eat a large quantity of bread and wine. (Thinks that Odysseus is a dead and was traveling to unknown lands unaware of anything. The gods blocked his journey home) Odysseus loves this gesture and thanks the man again. Eumaeus believes no man should ever be sent away eve one in worse shape than him; every beggar comes from Zeus and whatever scrap they receive they are thankful for. 84-191: He talks to him angried that Odysseus is dead and believes that the suitors have no mercy in their hearts. They think Odysseus died and that has caused they to do not want to do their courting fairly or go back in peace. Odysseus’ wealth was vast and no man could ever defeat him. Odysseus questions if he knows he has died for sure and what his name is. As well, he believes he can bring him news. The swine herd said that no
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Yvain Free Essays
Yvain or The Knight with the Lion: The Introduction of Literary Strengths There are few novels today that possess the adventure which takes place throughout Yvain (aka The Knight with the Lion). Chretien’s use of structure in this poem has surely influenced the modern day novel. Yvain was one of the first books to introduce the genre of Chivalric Romance, which many authors still mimic today. We will write a custom essay sample on Yvain or any similar topic only for you Order Now The genre capturing this tale clearly defined literature thereafter and was the beginning of a new era in story-telling. In Northrop Frye’s definition of modes, we can see that this poem is clearly in â€Å"Romance Mode†. In the concept of modes, Frye identifies literary works to be classified by the hero’s power of action. By distinction of any novels’ hero, the audience can discern whether the main character or hero has powers greater, less, or roughly the same as the audience’s. The romance mode is the second mode of Frye’s distinction. In this poem, the hero of the story is human, but is certainly superior to normal humans; it is a story in which the hero has marvelous strengths and powers of endurance. The setting of the story may also slightly suspend the laws of nature in a way that allows magical things to happen. As Frye says, this is the world of legends, folk tales, and fairy tales. In this novel, the main character Yvain portrays the essence of these qualities. Yvain has many instances throughout the poem, in which he miraculously overcomes obstacles. There was not one event in which he lost against another knight or creature. The fact that Yvain intruded on a fight between a lion and a snake, is in itself, marvelous. No human in real life, would risk their life for this situation. In this scene, as Yvain chose to slay the snake by chopping it into pieces, and the lion shows a sense of gratefulness. The Lion rose on his hind feet and joined his forepaws in complete submissiveness and then he spread his forepaws out and bowed his head in great humility (pg 95). †It was after this point that they became companions, and the lion would never leave his side. This scene illustrates the Romance mode as the basic laws of nature are slightly obstructed by the lion’s ability to express feelings. Taking a closer look, we can discern the subcategory of this romance mode to be chivalric and contain courtly love. The entire story is full of many events in which even Chretien noted as chivalric. These consist of the knightly values of courage and loyalty as well as extreme respectfulness to others, especially women. In these civilized times, the royalty- living in castles and employing warriors- created these rules of combat and courtly manners that knights should carry out. It was the main goal for every knight to perform the good deeds, because it was the honorable thing to do, not because its adventure was of interest. In the poem, Calogrenant went in search for a marvel to entertain himself with adventure. But when this lead to disaster, Yvain had to stand by his side because they were cousins, and blood relatives were not to be abandoned. Yvain went out in hopes to avenge his cousin Calogrenant, â€Å"The lord did not sit down or pause; he poured some water on the great green stone. The storm came, just as he had known (pg 23). †Here, Yvain committed the same act that got Calogrenant in trouble, yet Yvain did not commit this act in hopes of a marvel, but rather to hold honor because it was the right thing to do for his family. This act reinforced Yvain’s knightly duties, furthering his intent to be chivalrous. Instrumental for the configuration of any chivalric identity in a medieval romance, this genre entices the male audience with its tales of lone adventuring, jousting with common men, killing beasts, rescuing virgins, and fighting in fateful battles. It also introduces a new side (in the medieval time period) to male and female relations, fascinating the idea of courtly love. The behavior of courtly love was a social phase that society engaged during the time of the poem. It was the idea that love was a service that gentlemen carried out for their women. It also reflected the principle that men and women could have conversation, and â€Å"flirt†. One could even fall in love at first sight by a physical process: in through the eyes, and passing down to the heart, and from there taking over the entire body as though captured by love’s poison. In the poem, the audience sees Yvain express his feelings through courtly love. â€Å"A new Love sweetens him with sugar and honey. Love, at whim, has hunted in her lands today, and now she gathers in her prey. His enemy has his heart (pg 38). †By this quote, we see that the force of love is overpowering, and Yvain is the â€Å"prey†wounded by love, because this woman, whose husband he has killed, now has his heart. When Yvain was published, society had just recently become civilized, as opposed to their previously barbaric state. People were becoming accustomed to mannerism and sense of ruling. In the poem, we see a little of both sides of this society. In most of the story, Yvain and his surroundings are civilized, he is a proper knight and he is carrying out duties of society in a refined way. But when Laudine brought shame upon him for breaking his promise to her, we see Yvain turn to the opposite of civilized society. Yvain became so ashamed of himself he turned to a barbaric state of society, â€Å"a whirlwind broke loose in his brain, so violent that he went insane, and clawed himself, tore off his clothes and fled across the fields and rows (pg 79). †By entering the forest in this manner, Yvain indicated his complete abandonment of everything his aristocratic culture stood forâ€â€he no longer takes the part of a husband, or even a knight, but merely a wild animal. The entire poem is composed with many individual stories. What made this poem such an inspiration for the future genre was its completeness. Like Aristotle mentioned, a good story must have a beginning, middle and an end. Yvain, is compiled with many intricate stories chronologically placed, perfect and large enough for one to remember them all. The uniqueness of the Chivalric Romance genre had great influence on subsequent literature, but presenting three definite parts in the story is why Yvain or The Knight with the Lion became so renowned. How to cite Yvain, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Unquantifiable free essay sample
The maters of the heart had no fundamental place in the brain, and could never have any solid basis in logic. Logic and love could never coexist with one an other for the simple fact that Love was not logical and Logic knew nothing of love.Keeping that in mind we can understand a bit about the unquantifiable matter of love, love could never be fully processed or understand. But if we realize that love can strike at any moment, and be blitzed away in any instance. Then we as humans should understand that we must hold on to it with both hands, and never let it slip though our fingers.Time by passed by love, and slips thought the fingers of those who can not learn to live, to watch a clock waiting for the hand to tick by. Time slips away when matters of the heart are involved and there was never a solid foundation in the knowledge of anything. We will write a custom essay sample on Unquantifiable or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We move to fast for time, and so we are commanded by it, waiting and plotting, our own execution and extinction, time revels on, but with no one to be there to mark it and know when it is and how it works and let the time slip by. So therefor time is as unquantifiable as love.Time revels on and on, and when dose it end, if we have no need for time, then how must one know anything that is worth knowing about. But is there really anything to know about, and if so, then why do we as humans have to master and know everything.If humans are so imperfect in our own way then why can we not understand such a thing, and if people are impatient why must everything be judged and manipulated, and why must we always know and find and be and have and all the rest else.If the world isnt perfect then why do we seek perfection?Theres no answer key to life, there is no notes to be taken, there isnt a manual, or a secret to anything, we just have to live.Most wars are started because of the human instinct and struggle to be and have and do, and know everything. Our survival instincts have been over ruled by time and money, that has connived us, in our 21st century north American ways.So everything is about survival of the fittest, and we have become fat on what is to be considered modern life but which is mistaken for lazy stubbornness and ignorance.Everything revolves around money, so what if we took away money and time from the equation, then the richest people in the world would be the ones who have there family and friends and are happy in life. We are so focused on everything around us, we forget to live, to be, to let life slip by, to take a back set for once, we crave knowledge, and power. Money plays a key factor in our happiness, but how many people say that they would be that much happier to have time spent with loved ones, and food to eat.What has happened to our world? What happened is we have grown fat on our way of life, on our need to have money, power, and forget that the simple things can bring us the most joy in our lives.What dose all of that have to do with love? Quite a bit actually. Because if we dont learn to slow down and smell the roses, if we dont learn to just live. How can we have or know love, logic would dictate that such an unquantifiable matter is not able to determine all of this; logic would dictate we need time to tell us where to go and to table everything out; logic would dictate by spending our time on things such as work and learning and furthering ourselves then we get money which we can s pend on our loved ones.So really in the end it all comes down to who has the most because people think that if they have a little more money they can by the respect and love of there family; the people they love.
Friday, March 20, 2020
What We Know Be True About humans. essays
What We Know Be True About humans. essays What is a human or a characteristic that makes a human? Human, Humane may refer to which is, or should be, characteristic of human beings. In thus, describing characteristics, human may refer to good and bad traits of a person alike. When emphasis is placed upon the latter, human is thought of as contrasted to divine. Humane takes into account only the nobler or gentler aspects of people and is often contrasted to their more ignoble or brutish aspect. A humane person is benevolent in treating fellow humans or helpless animals. Ever since evolution, humans have made a lot of progress in becoming what we are today. Even though we have, in fact, come a long way, we have so much further to go to reach perfection. Personally, I dont think that humans will ever reach perfection. Our weaknesses have not been overcome for thousands of years, nor will they ever. No matter how far we come technologically, medically, or intellectually, our human nature is simply full of weaknesses. Our emotions as human beings prevent us to grasp the social skills that are required for social perfection. For example, jealousy, anger, and sadness all come in the way of our social skills. Even though most of us have been taught social skills at a young age, we still do not possess the skills of self control. Every person is different. How can someone judge what good manners are? If one person is taught one thing and another is taught the opposite, who is right? The answer is not easily understood. For each person, the answer lies within. Human beings have never been able to get along together. Even though we are all the same deep down, different groups of people do not accept other groups of people. This is very juvenile and closed-minded. All we have to do is think and analyze different situations to view things in a rational and legitimate way. A problem we face today is the growing population all over the world. ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Prior Knowledge Improves Reading Comprehension
Prior Knowledge Improves Reading Comprehension Using prior knowledge is an important part of reading comprehension for children with dyslexia. Students relate the written word to their previous experiences to make reading more personal, helping them to both understand and remember what they have read. Some experts believe that activating prior knowledge is the most important aspect of the reading experience. What is Prior Knowledge? When we talk about prior or previous knowledge, we refer to all of the experiences readers have had throughout their lives, including information they have learned elsewhere. This knowledge is used to bring the written word to life and to make it more relevant in the readers mind. Just as our understanding about the subject can lead to further understanding, misconceptions that we accept also add to our understanding, or misunderstanding as we read. Teaching Prior Knowledge A number of teaching interventions can be implemented in the classroom to help students effectively activate prior knowledge when reading: preteaching vocabulary, providing background knowledge and creating opportunities and a framework for students to continue building background knowledge. Pre-teaching Vocabulary In another article, we discussed the challenge of teaching students with dyslexia new vocabulary words. These students may have a larger oral vocabulary than their reading vocabulary and they may have a difficult time both sounding out new words and recognizing these words when reading. It is often helpful for teachers to introduce and review new vocabulary before beginning new reading assignments. As students become more familiar with the vocabulary and continue to build their vocabulary skills, not only does their reading fluency increase but so does their reading comprehension. In addition, as students learn and understand new vocabulary word, and relate these words to their personal knowledge of a subject, they can invoke that same knowledge as they read. Learning the vocabulary, therefore, helps students to use their personal experiences to relate to stories and information they read. Providing Background Knowledge When teaching math, teachers accept that a student continues to build upon previous knowledge and without this knowledge, they will have a much more difficult time understanding new mathematical concepts. In other subjects, such as social studies, this concept is not readily discussed, however, it is just as important. In order for a student to understand written material, no matter what the subject, a certain level of prior knowledge is needed. When students are first introduced to a new topic, they will have some level of prior knowledge. They may have a great deal of knowledge, some knowledge or very little knowledge. Before providing background knowledge, teachers must measure the level of prior knowledge in a specific topic. This can be accomplished by: Asking questions, beginning with general questions and slowly increasing the specificity of questionsWrite statements on the board based on what students have shared about the topicHave students complete a worksheet, without grading, to determine knowledge Once a teacher has gathered information on how much the students know, she can plan lessons to students further background knowledge. For example, when beginning a lesson on the Aztecs, questions on prior knowledge might revolve around types of homes, food, geography, beliefs, and accomplishments. Based on the information the teacher gathers, she can create a lesson to fill in the blanks, showing slides or pictures of homes, describing what types of food were available, what major accomplishments the Aztecs had. Any new vocabulary words in the lesson should be introduced to the students. This information should be given as an overview and as a precursor to the actual lesson. Once the review is completed, students can read the lesson, bringing in the background knowledge to give them a greater understanding of what they have read. Creating Opportunities and a Framework for Students to Continue Building Background Knowledge Guided reviews and introductions to new material, such as the previous example of the teacher providing an overview, before reading are extremely helpful in providing students with background information. But students must learn to find this type of information on their own. Teachers can help by giving students specific strategies for increasing background knowledge about a new topic: Reading summaries and conclusions of chapters in a textbookReading the end-of-chapter questions before reading the chapterReading the headings and subheadingsFor books, reading the back of the book for information on what the book is aboutOlder students can review cliff notes before reading the bookSkimming the book, reading the first line of each paragraph or reading the first paragraph of each chapterSkimming for unfamiliar words and learning definitions before readingReading short articles on the same topic As students learn how to find background information on a previously unknown topic, their confidence in their ability to understand this information increases and they can use this new knowledge to build and learn about additional topics.References: Increasing Comprehension by Activating Prior Knowledge, 1991, William L. Christen, Thomas J. Murphy, ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills Prereading Strategies, Date Unknown, Karla Porter, M.Ed. Weber State University The Use of Prior Knowledge in Reading, 2006, Jason Rosenblatt, New York University
Monday, February 17, 2020
Discuss the notion of age or generational differences with reference Essay
Discuss the notion of age or generational differences with reference to certain characters in A&P - Essay Example Sammy Sammy, who assumes the role of narrator of A & P, is a thoughtful young lad who has keen interest in the members from opposite gender. He keeps a robust sense of observation. Sammy observes his surroundings and takes notice of the physical appearance of the girls that visit the A & P store. Sammy studies the texture as well as the designs of the bathing outfits of girls along with their suits’ tan lines. His observations are not limited to the surface. Along with the patterns of their outfits, Sammy also makes judgments about the pattern of their everyday life, specially Queenie, who appears to be the leading lady. While examining Queenie’s body, Sammy observes the strap of her bra dangling. This both arises sexual sensation in him as well as gives him clues about the lifestyle of Queenie. Sammy gains an assumed insight into Queenie’s social life through her speech. This further clarifies her image in front of him and defines it in detail. His undue ogling of the girls speaks of Sammy’s own chauvinism, weaknesses and youthful immaturity. His immaturity can be estimated from the fact that lost in the world of lust, Sammy forgets about the ethics of professional life and becomes ignorant towards other customers in comparison to the girls. Sammy calls the other A & P customers as â€Å"houseslaves†and â€Å"sheep†. His immaturity can fundamentally be attributed to the fact that he is a bachelor. His coworkers like Stokesie also take interest in the girls, but their interest is far different than that of Sammy. They have a natural inclination towards and attraction for such an overt expression of sexuality particularly when it comes from the opposite gender. However, unlike Sammy, Stokesie talks about the girls only sarcastically and his attraction for the girls is only apparent. This may be because Stokesie is an aged and married man while Sammy is a young unmarried man. Sammy’s argument with Lengel has no ro le in building his relationship with Queenie and it is rationale to assume that he knows this as well. Despite that, Sammy takes stand for Queenie to such an extent that he looses his fundamental source of income and for what? Nothing, but lust! Only after he has done the act, Sammy realizes what he has done to his life. Sammy narrates, â€Å"†¦my stomach kind of fell as I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter†(Updike). This clearly speaks of the fact that young girls’ mere expression of sexuality is enough to cause young and immature bachelors to make life changing decisions for no practical reason. Queenie: Queenie is a young girl who knows that her sensual expression impacts boys. She is in a phase of constant experimentation in which she tests the limits to which exposure can be allowed by the opposite gender in public. She has assumed that boys would not mind her showing up in a bathing suit. According to her assumptions, her sensual messag e is too strong and appealing for boys to condemn it. Perhaps, she gains a sense of independence from this. Embarrassment arises from lack of expectation. Queenie essentially does not expect any male to stop her from her expression of sexuality, though in her assumption, she is being ignorant of the fact that all males are not young, and have more important preferences in life than falling prey to the appeal of young
Monday, February 3, 2020
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Leadership - Essay Example It is through the varied yet complimentary leadership paradigms that these CEO’s bring to the organization that constitute SAP’s primary outlook. In addition, there is an overarching resistance to change throughout the organization. While SAP is centrally located in Waldorf, Germany the company has become an international entity, with substantial leadership entities in the United States, Switzerland, Asia-Pacific, and various regions within the Americas. To some degree there are substitutes for leadership operating within the organization. SAP has developed a highly competitive atmosphere, wherein employees are encouraged to develop a number of hobby projects. In these regards, the substitute for leadership consists of this entrepreneurial environment. In terms of a substitute for the seven layer managerial structure, to some degrees this hierarchical structure is necessary as the high number of employees and expansive nature of the company necessitate a complex organiz ational structure. Still, it is noted that there is inefficiency in this structure in that it locates individuals with their manager rather than those whom they actually work with. 2. The type of followers SAP says it wants are â€Å"self-managing, professional employees who create opportunities to fulfill their potential and maximize their value to the organization†(‘Case Study’, pg. 8). SAP currently has instituted a number of measures to reduce their employee attrition rate. In these regards, there is a strong emphasis on promoting employees from within the organization. The company also does not make a regular practice of firing employees whose skills are no longer needed; instead they have made a practice of tailoring career paths for employee development, encouraging employees to work in different areas of expertise. The company also encourages flexible working hours, casual dress styles, as well as long hour meeting times in the cafeteria for employee net working. The company also developed an employee development management culture. Perhaps most importantly the company offered salary levels above the average for the expected work, as well as profit sharing opportunities. In addition they have developed opportunities for employees to gain stock options through an American based program. In all it seems that the company has taken adequate HR measures to stem the employee attrition rate. Rather than developing furthered measures, with the exception of greater stock options, it seems the main attrition problem is linked to the company’s organizational culture and leadership qualities. In these regards, one would need to make deep structural changes that would possibly alter company progress and efficiency. 3. There are a number of notable elements related to the structure at SAP. It seems that the most notable element relates to the seven layer management structure the organization has in place. While the case study indicates tha t the managerial structure was a needed response to the company’s increasing size during the internet boom, there are also a number of elements related to it that have been indicated to be problematic. For instance, â€Å"one of the consequences of this focus on management was that people may be located with their manager rather than being co-located with those they actually work withâ€
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The beliefs of Childrens Learning
The beliefs of Childrens Learning Identifying the beliefs of Childrens Learning, Development, and the Social Influences that shaped them. A childs learning and development begins from the moment they are born, the early years from birth to five are an important milestone in a persons life, what a child experiences in the early years has a major impact on their future chances in life. A safe, secure and happy childhood is important in its own right. We can shape a childs learning from an early age, children learn through experience and adult involvement, therefore interaction with babies and young children is fundamentally important, it helps to build ideas, creates thinking and helps them develop as learners. Babies are born with an interest in people and a drive to find out about their world. Observing and assessing babies and young children is an important basis in their learning and development. Watching children learn can open our eyes to the capacity of how they learn (Pugh, 2001, p. 66), and this shows us the i mportance of these first few years in a childs life. Over the decades early education, policies and practices have seen significant changes. We still use many of the earlier theories and methods through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in our early education settings today. The EYFS is part of a ten year Childcare Strategy introduced in 2008, it relates to the Childcare Act 2006, and its aim is to give young children the best start in life, it sets standards to enable early years providers to implement the rich and personalised experience many parents give their children at home. It provides legal requirements relating to learning, development, assessments and welfare. The EYFS principles which guide all practitioners consists of four themes; a Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments, Learning And Development. It implies that all children from birth to five will acquire the same skills and knowledge in preparation for school while at the same time recognising that all children are individuals that require ind ividual learning strategies. The construction of early education and care of children and young people dates back many years, as early as the 17th century. Friedrich Froebel a major theorist was born in 1782 in Thuringia what is now Germany and was well known for saying play is a childs work, he formulated the idea of kindergarten meaning childrens garden as a means of educating young children. Play and the outdoor environment were important in Froebelian kindergartens. His approach emphasized that children are able to develop their capacity for learning through play, and that active learning is essential with guidance and appropriate direction. He believed that training of workers within the early years was essential, and the importance of parents as partners in the education of young children. The influence of Froebels methods are well established in early years settings to date, his work was one of the theories that made the basis of early education. Many recent theorists based t heir work on these early findings, and say, he was ahead of his time as one of the EYFS themes and commitments, of today states active learning. Active learning it is implemented through the learning and development principle of the EYFS, it provides physical and mental involvement, decision-making and personalised learning, and it occurs when children are keen to learn and are interested in finding things out for themselves. Play is a dynamic process that develops and changes, it provides children with opportunities for developing cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills. Froebelian kindergartens were seen to be middle class; despite this his methods were adapted for use with disadvantaged children and families within developing 20th century nursery and infant schools. (Pound, 2008, p. 16). The first nursery school opened in Scotland in1816 by Robert Owen(1771-1858), he was a mill owner who refused to employ children less than 10 years of age, he believed that education should be a common right for all children, and that children are passive, contrived and by due preparation and accurate attention can be formed into any human character. He managed their behaviour through kindness, which in the19th century was unusual, children as young as 2 years attended his school. The opening of his nursery school influenced changing attitudes on child labour, and set the basis of early education for young children. The start of the curriculum method was one of Owenss ideas, his vision on education-inspired generations of activist; he recognised the link between social welfare and early education this is an important part of practice in modern day settings. His commitments to education were radical as were his ideas on the importance of equality, although his policies were a bold ste p forward, he was criticised as being rooted in his desire for profit. (Pound, 2008, p. 13) In the UK the development of early education was very slow compared to Europe, it was In 1870 that publicly funded education became compulsory for children age 5, the need to understand these early childhood services is important as they laid down the foundations of our education system (Pugh, 2001, p. 8) During the 1960s the voluntary playgroup movement emerged. A letter sent to the Guardian by Belle Tutaev, a young mother of a four-year-old expressing concern to the lack of appropriate nursery provision within our education system. For many years the main means of early education was state primary schools, and this was aimed at children over 5 years, after campaigning to the authorities to no avail she opened her own playgroup, this progressed and by the seventies playgroups became a recognised form of pre-school provision. Over the next 2 decades the changing family patterns and employment patterns meant early years provision were a much needed source, this saw the growth of private nurseries. Only after a review in 1988 on early childhood and education services, (The Education Reform Act) did the government realise there was a growing problem. It found flaws, in uncoordinated services, which varied between different parts of the country, compared to the rest of Europe there were low levels of public funding. It had different services ran by a diversity of different organisations, this meant a wide range of clients used them, all with different aims and purposes. The education system needed the government to intervene. A number of national reports was to be published, one of them the Rumbold report published in 1990, expressed concerns about education and the lack of access to Early Years services. It highlighted the need for the development of good quality provision in the early years, and believed it to be vital that all that work, or are involved with young children recognise the importance of their educational role and fulfil it. She urged those who make provision recognise the growing demand for and the expansion of high quality services to meet children and parents needs (rumbold, 1990). The report also highlighted the way in which young children learn are as important as what they learn, and argued against the introduction of formal learning. At the time, this report was ignored but it is now used as a basis for best practice in todays Early Years settings. The establishment of the Early Childhood Education forum in 1993 meant bringing together all national agencies working in the field, (Pugh, 2001, p. 11) it clarified that an early years policy is needed, and an expansion in services, the forum gathered strength with over 45 national organisations by 1998. Its aims were to champion childrens rights and entitlements, support the training development and education of early childhood practitioners, and all those who work with children and their families. The government took action and in 1995, funding for the education of 4 year olds was introduced this was in the form of vouchers that could be redeemed in private, voluntary, or local authority nurseries, the vouchers were extremely criticised at the time and was abolished in 1997 when Labour Government was elected. The election of the Labour Government brought big changes in the way our whole Education System was run, especially Early Education; its key issue is to eradicate child poverty, and provide more family friendly policies and childrens centres. The Sure Start initiative, launched in 1999 under the National Childcare Strategy plays a major role in doing this, by helping families in local communities of need with children under 4years old. The government pledged 1.4 billion pounds over 6 years. This meant that parents had access to a multi agency of services within the Sure Start Childrens Centres. They are now a key influence within our communities helping children, families and society, by learning and developing life skills in the early years so that young children grow up to be happy, healthy and are able to achieve their goals in life. The centres are at the Heart of the Every Child Matters Change for Children 2004. The green paper Every Child Matters was published in 2003, in response to a report by Lord Laming in 2001, into the death of Victoria Climbie. Victoria was a young girl who was horrifically abused, tortured and killed by her great aunt, Marie-Therese Kouao and partner Carl Manning; they were the people who were supposed to be caring for her. Shameful failings within a number of systems meant on 12 occasions over 10 months the chances to save Victoria were missed. Evidence from this Inquiry demonstrated the dangers of staff from different agencies not fulfilling their separate and distinctive responsibilities. The death of Victoria showed a fundamental need for an integrated service that would be part of a political agenda for many years, despite the Children Act 1989 provisions, child protection strategies and services stayed within the social service system, and the level of communication and co-operation between these and other services in health and education were variable. The Ev ery Child Matters agenda is recognised by five outcomes; be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and achieve economic wellbeing; these outcomes are a universal ambition for the government, and form a strong basis for the EYFS curriculum used in Early Education Settings to date. The transfer of responsibility for children under 8-years-old were made from the Department of Health, to the Department of Education and Skills and from 2001, an integrated inspection service was introduced, bringing together all the services, enabling multi-agency working, which was an important step forward. The Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership in local authorities were also introduced, helping to increase levels of provision in Childcare. Working in partnership with the Local Education Authority, each authority completed an audit, with a plan to reach the governments targets for early education places for all 3- and-4year-olds. This was made easier in the change of policy earlier, that allowed non maintained sectors to apply for nursery grants, children in private day nurseries, pre-schools and some childminders could now access their free half-day nursery provision. In this way the strategy started to tackle the long-term split between Early Years education serv ices and the childcare services. (Macelod- Brundenell,and Kay 2nd edition 2008 pg 352 ). It has been without doubt that Early Education has come a long way since Froebel in the 17th century, and the opening of Owens nursery school in 1816, but not many things have changed, it was evident then that children learn through play and exploration, and early learning is important in the first five years. Maybe many generations of children have missed out the chances given to young children of today. The EYFS has been an important milestone for early education and young children, and is now the way forward in preparing a child for school, but its existance is still in the primary stages, and many small nursery settings may find adapting to these changes and sustaining them quiet difficult as the standards and welfare requirements set are extremly high.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Comparison Essay
Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne were two of America’s finest Romantic writers. These two writers have stood the test of time and are read as much today if not more than they were in their own time. The major reason that both author’s were as popular as they are is because of the fact that they delved into the human mind to create their psychological literature. Edgar Allan Poe’s life spanned from eighteen nine until nineteen forty-nine, the years that were the beginning of the Romantic Movement. Poe was considered an educated man for his time. He attended the University of Virginia and West Point. Since West Point is a military school, he no doubt studied psychology because one who would be a commander in the army would need to know about the way the enemy thinks. Poe did not use this knowledge as a military officer, but used it to create excellent psychological terror in literature. During a time when the arts focused on the supernatural, Poe looked to the character’s own mind to provide terror. The narrator of The Tell-Tale Heart is so terrified by his guilt that he reveals the murder he has committed to the authorities, as does the narrator of The Black Cat. In the famous short story The Cask of Amontillado, the reader experienced the terror of one’s condemnation to be walled up in a small cellar room to die and to have the time to think about what is to happen in total darkness and isolation. The Fall of the House of Usher also leaves the narrator completely terrified, not because of his safety, but because of the information that his mind must process and the knowledge that he may begin to suffer from the same madness that Roderick Usher is doomed to endure. Nathaniel Hawthorne was also an expert in delving into the deepest regions of a character’s mind. The Scarlet Letter, one of Hawthorne’s best works is about a woman who must wear a scarlet A because she is an adulterer. The town minister is the man who is also responsible for the sin. However, because he is a male and cannot get pregnant, the community does not know of his guilt. Instead he punishes himself much more than his female counterpart until the sin takes on a supernatural quality. It does so only through the guilt that he must endure. The Minister’s Black Veil is about another minister who physically punishes himself for a psychological sin that he has committed. This penance has bothered the congregation to the point that they isolate the minister. Again, it is their psychological fear and guilt that is their terror. Hawthorne, in his attempt to prove that all are sinners and that all wrestle with good and evil in their minds, proves his point in Young Goodman Brown. In this short story, a young man must decide whether to sell his soul to become a successful man or to remain free. The resolution of the story is that the horrid scene the young man had witness the night before was only a dream, yet he is not sure that it took place in his mind or if it was real. Reality and what one perceived as reality was something that Hawthorne was a master. Both Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne made use of the human mind as an instrument a person’s demise rather than actions. They understood the power of the human mind even though they did not know what we do today. They are shining examples of psychological literature as an instrument of terror and guilt. Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Minister’s Black Veil. 1836 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: Pocket. 2004. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Young Goodman Brown. 1835 Poe, Edgar Allan. The Black Cat. 1843. Poe, Edgar Allan. The Cask of Amontillado. 1846 Poe, Edgar Allan. The Fall of the House of Usher. 1839 Poe, Edgar Allan. The Tell-Tale Heart. 1843
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Advertising The Ad Creates Awareness Of The Gucci
Absolut Gucci Awareness: The ad creates awareness of the product Absolut Vodka to the Gucci consumers. With the bottle and the text Absolut written on the back of the Gucci jacket, the consumer gets aware of the brand. This is a unique idea to advertise the brand as consumers tend to remember ideas that are different from others. Acceptance: With associating Absolut with a luxury brand Gucci, the ad has created more chances of consumers accepting the brand; consumers want to associate themselves with high quality luxury brands, to fulfil their psychological need to belong to an elite social group. Preference: The ad helps generate preference for the brand Absolut in consumers, as it gives the brand an image of a high quality-top class brand; consumers want to use what is best in the market and they use brands that would reflect their personality in the society. Intention: When consumers perceive the brand as of best quality, their buying intention gets stronger. Purchase: When the preference for the brand and the buying intention for the product grows strong, the consumer buys the product. As said earlier, even though if the consumer is not ready to buy the product instantly, there is a huge chance for future purchases. This model is very useful for this analysis as the number of consumers decreases from one stage to another, as we move up the model. There can be many consumers who view the product, but not everyone would buy the product. It requires a lot of workShow MoreRelatedLuxury Good and Gucci1239 Words  | 5 Pagesof scope. The economics of the luxury goods industry changed forcing Gucci to modify its strategy. Consumers demand shifted from classic style buyers to style conscious buyers. Gucci not only had to change due to the economics of the industry but they also had several problems with their existing structure. Hence Gucci made the following moves to reposition it to compete in the new economics of the luxury goods industry. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Economics assignment Essay - 2064 Words
MBA 515 Practice Multiple Choice Questions 1. If the price of automobiles were to increase substantially, the demand curve for gasoline would most likely A) shift leftward. B) shift rightward. C) remain unchanged. D) become steeper. 2. Recently, many cities have attempted to pass laws taxing the sale of sugary drinks such as soda pop. If one of these laws passes, we would expect A) the supply curve for soda pop to shift to the right. B) the supply curve for soda pop to become more vertical. C) the demand curve for soda pop to shift to the right. D) the demand curve for soda pop to shift to the left. 3. As the price of a good increases, the change in the quantity demanded can be shown by A) shifting the demand curve leftward.†¦show more content†¦B) elastic. C) Both A and B above. D) Neither A nor B above. 16. A normal good has a ________ income elasticity of demand and quantity demanded ________ as income rises. A) negative; increases B) negative; decreases C) positive; increases D) positive; decreases 17. An indifference curve represents bundles of goods that a consumer A) views as equally desirable. B) ranks from most preferred to least preferred. C) refers to any other bundle of goods. D) All of the above. 18. Freds marginal utility of pizza equals 10 and his marginal utility of salad equals 2, then A) he would give up 5 pizzas to get the next salad. B) he would give up 5 salads to get the next pizza. C) he will eat five times as much pizza as salad. D) he will eat five times as much salad as pizza. 19. Joes income is $500, the price of food (F, y-axis) is $2, and the price of shelter (S, x-axis) is $100. Which of the following bundles is in Joes opportunity set? A) 50 units of food, 5 units of shelter B) 200 units of food, 2 units of shelter C) 100 units of food, 1 unit of shelter D) 150 units of food, 3 units of shelter 20. 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