Sunday, May 10, 2020

Book Review Odyssey - 2531 Words

Alexis Lauren Robinson December 03, 2014 Odyssey Sections Book Thirteen: 1-79: The section of this book in which Alcinous is stunned by how much Odysseus has suffered. Alcinous believes that he will sail home from Ithaca. The king and the rest of his people throw him a type of celebration in which they slaughter an ox, sing, and Odysseus is launched into the sea. 80-212: Royal escorts took the gifts produced by the queen while Odysseus sleeps. Poseidon angered by the Phaeacians talks with Zeus about their punishment for sending castaways into the sea. At the end they reach an agreement that in front of the Phaeacians when their ship returns in will be†¦show more content†¦The swineherd made those walls with his own hands to enclose pigs without the help of anyone. (built of quarried blocks and coped with a fence of wild pear.) Drives stakes, in the yard he built twelve beds to house his pigs and were breed. The suitors’ feast are thinning the population of boars who sleep outside; this keeps the swineherd sending to town his beast hog. A pack of four dogs guards them however. He sends a hog in town and one to the suitors to feast on. 32-83: Odysseus is almost attacked by the pack of guard dogs. But, is saved by the swineherd who invites him in to talk of where he is from and the pains he has endured as well as eat a large quantity of bread and wine. (Thinks that Odysseus is a dead and was traveling to unknown lands unaware of anything. The gods blocked his journey home) Odysseus loves this gesture and thanks the man again. Eumaeus believes no man should ever be sent away eve one in worse shape than him; every beggar comes from Zeus and whatever scrap they receive they are thankful for. 84-191: He talks to him angried that Odysseus is dead and believes that the suitors have no mercy in their hearts. They think Odysseus died and that has caused they to do not want to do their courting fairly or go back in peace. Odysseus’ wealth was vast and no man could ever defeat him. Odysseus questions if he knows he has died for sure and what his name is. As well, he believes he can bring him news. The swine herd said that no

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