Saturday, November 30, 2019
Star Wars Republic Commando Review Essay Example For Students
Star Wars Republic Commando Review Essay The single-player aspect of Republic Commando takes you on three distinct campaigns during the Clone Wars-era of Star Wars. Youll invade Sessions, along with the rest of the Republic army, investigate a derelict starship, and assist the weeklies in fending off Transposed slavers on the planet of Shaky. The campaigns are paced extremely well throughout the game, offering up new and interesting challenges at just the right junctures. Whether its hunting down and assassinating a Secession lieutenant, fending Off endless hordes Of super battle roods and derriere, or escorting a highly ranked woke, theres never a dull moment in Republic Commando. The missions are heavily scripted to provide exciting pitched battles, some of which Will see you as the aggressor and others of which will require you to defend areas from attack. This also means the game is fairly linear. We will write a custom essay on Star Wars Republic Commando Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now So its obvious which paths youll need to be going down, and you wont he doing a whole lot of backtracking. But at the same time, nary a minute goes by without the blasters and rockets firing back and forth at full tilt. The only downer is that the fun doesnt last long as most players should be able to tear through the campaign in fewer than 10 hours, It sure is an exciting ride while it lasts, though. The game does include a multilayer aspect on both the PC and Oxbow platforms. Unfortunately, the multilayer isnt nearly as creative or exciting as the campaign. There are standard demarcated, team demarcated, and capture the flag modes, along with an assault mode thats basically the same as one- flag C TV, with one team attempting to carry a special item in to a capture area n the other teams base before the timer runs out. There are eight maps total, which are designed for four to 16 players. Many of these maps, however, are just derived from specific parts of the single-player levels, although there is one special level that includes some zero-gravity areas that provide extra amusement. Those whove played a lot of shooters wont find much in Republic Commando they havent seen before. So if you were looking at this game specifically hoping for a great new multilayer experience, pure probably better off sticking with other alternatives.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Comparison Essay
Comparison Essay Comparison Essay Comparison Essay ‘Disabled’ by Wilfred Owen and ‘Out Out’ by Robert Frost ‘Disabled’ by Wilfred Owen is about the topic of war and a young man joining the army, unaware of the consequences that would follow. Owen describes the gruesome realities of what war holds, using a range of graphic images which stick in the reader’s mind. ‘Out Out’ by Robert Frost is about a young boy who accidentally cuts his hand off with a saw while being distracted by his sister on a farm in America. Frost previously lived on a farm; this maybe is based indirectly on the suffering of men in the war. We can already see both poems contain injuries which are described clearly, and both poems already have the subject of death. We can also see that one poem is set in war time whereas the other is set on a farm in America. Starting of the poem Owen suggests the feeling of sadness with an intense, depressing and gloomy atmosphere of â€Å"boys voices†that â€Å"rang saddening like a hymn†whilst the character himself â€Å"shivered in his ghastly suit of grey†. Owen also suggests this sadness by creating sympathy towards the character by contrasting life before and after the war. In addition, he adds in the idea that war is shameful as Owen contrasts the stereotypes of war, the character had initially through listing the â€Å"jewelled hilts for daggers in plaid socks; of smart salutes, Esprit de corps†to signify that war is the opposite of his initial thought. Sadness is also created through the realization that the character had himself â€Å"threw away his knees†– which shows that he is responsible and he knows it and is living with this terrible and depressing feeling that it was his fault. Owen’s ‘Disabled’, similar to Frost’ s ‘Out Out’ also portrays the theme of regret but it is clearly more frequent in ‘Out Out’. In ‘Disabled’ Owen portrays the character’s regret by mainly contrasting before and after the person’s life. However the regret that is shown in the poem is mainly how the character is disappointed with himself for letting it happen, he regrets the stupid reasons that made him join war, he also regrets how he tried to impress the â€Å"giddy jilts†the girls of low value instead of thinking about his life and the dangers he was putting himself under. The poem can be quite powerful in how the character lists all his reasons and thoughts on war, some he could not even remember clearly as he â€Å"wonders why he asked to join†proving to himself that his reasons were stupid and clueless, as he can’t remember. In the passage there are a lot of pauses to slow down the extract contrasting with how he also listed the decisions he took too fast which could show that he has now matured and grown as a person, he has regrets as he has time to think over. In addition to how he â€Å"poured it down shell holes till veins ran dry†, ‘it’, which is his liveliness and his colour, his life as a young man, Owen describes as â€Å"half his life†had been wasted in the â€Å"hot race†because now the character has to spend â€Å"a few sick years in institutes, isolated from the community and that of his past†. Again a sense of sadness is generated by the way he is treated now from his friends and community as well as how this had contrast with how he was treated before when he was young and popular and although the character is still young, he has already had great trauma and events that no man of his age should ever encounter, as is in the poem from the fact that Owen states â€Å"Now, he is old, He’s lost his colour very far from here - and half his lifetime lapsed in the hot race and leap of purple spurted from his thigh†. In the third stanza there is a sickening image, there is also further evidence that not only has the character aged in his head, but he has also aged physically as â€Å"his back will never brace†, another condition for the elderly and not for a young man in which is arguably his prime. This is also ironic as he did this to himself, it makes this even more tragic in a sense that it was his
Friday, November 22, 2019
Gastar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples
Gastar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The Spanish verb gastar is a regular -ar verb that means to spend. The conjugation pattern for gastar is similar to that of other regular -ar verbs like bajar, tratar and llamar. This article includes gastar conjugations in the present, past, conditional, and future indicative mood, the present and past subjunctive mood, the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Using the Verb Gastar The most frequent use of the verb gastar is to spend money. For example, El chico gastà ³ mucho dinero en el regalo para su novia (The boy spent a lot of money on the gift for his girlfriend). Gastar can also be used to talk about time, but in that case, it means to waste time. For example, No debes gastar tiempo jugando videojuegos (You should not waste time playing video games). In order to talk about spending time, in Spanish we use the verb pasar tiempo, as in Me gusta pasar tiempo con mi familia (I like to spend time with my family). The verb gastar can also mean to use or to use up. For example, you can say Se gastà ³ la tinta de la impresora (The printers ink got used up), or Ese carro gasta mucha gasolina (That car uses a lot of gas). In addition, gastar can mean to wear out, as in Gastaste la suela de tus zapatos de tanto correr (You wore out the soles of your shoes from running so much). Gastar Present Indicative Yo gasto I spend Yo gasto muchos lpices en la escuela. Tà º gastas You spend Tà º gastas dinero en cosas innecesarias. Usted/à ©l/ella gasta You/he/she spends Ella gasta mucha electricidad en su casa. Nosotros gastamos We spend Nosotros gastamos mucha gasolina en el viaje. Vosotros gastis Youspend Vosotros gastis tiempo viendo fotos en el trabajo. Ustedes/ellos/ellas gastan You/they spend Ellos gastan mucha agua regando el jardà n. Gastar Preterite Indicative There are two past tenses in Spanish. The preterite tense is used to describe actions completed in the past. Yo gastà © I spent Yo gastà © muchos lpices en la escuela. Tà º gastaste You spent Tà º gastaste dinero en cosas innecesarias. Usted/à ©l/ella gastà ³ You/he/she spent Ella gastà ³ mucha electricidad en su casa. Nosotros gastamos We spent Nosotros gastamos mucha gasolina en el viaje. Vosotros gastasteis Youspent Vosotros gastasteis tiempo viendo fotos en el trabajo. Ustedes/ellos/ellas gastaron You/they spent Ellos gastaron mucha agua regando el jardà n. Gastar Imperfect Indicative The other past tense in Spanish is the imperfect, which is used to talk about ongoing or repeated actions in the past. The imperfect can be translated to English as was spending or used to spend. Yo gastaba I used to spend Yo gastaba muchos lpices en la escuela. Tà º gastabas You used to spend Tà º gastabas dinero en cosas innecesarias. Usted/à ©l/ella gastaba You/he/she used to spend Ella gastaba mucha electricidad en su casa. Nosotros gastbamos We used to spend Nosotros gastbamos mucha gasolina en el viaje. Vosotros gastabais Youused to spend Vosotros gastabais tiempoviendo fotosen el trabajo. Ustedes/ellos/ellas gastaban You/they used to spend Ellos gastaban mucha agua regando el jardà n. Gastar Future Indicative Yo gastarà © I will spend Yo gastarà © muchos lpices en la escuela. Tà º gastars You will spend Tà º gastars dinero en cosas innecesarias. Usted/à ©l/ella gastar You/he/she will spend Ella gastar mucha electricidad en su casa. Nosotros gastaremos We will spend Nosotros gastaremos mucha gasolina en el viaje. Vosotros gastarà ©is Youwill spend Vosotros gastarà ©is tiempo viendo fotosen el trabajo. Ustedes/ellos/ellas gastarn You/they will spend Ellos gastarn mucha agua regando el jardà n. Gastar Periphrastic Future Indicative The periphrastic future is formed with three components: the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive gastar. Yo voy a gastar I am going to spend Yo voya gastar muchos lpices en la escuela. Tà º vasa gastar You aregoing to spend Tà º vasa gastar dinero en cosas innecesarias. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa gastar You/he/she isgoing to spend Ella vaa gastar mucha electricidad en su casa. Nosotros vamosa gastar We aregoing to spend Nosotros vamosa gastar mucha gasolina en el viaje. Vosotros vaisa gastar Youaregoing to spend Vosotros vaisa gastar tiempo viendo fotosen el trabajo. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana gastar You/they aregoing to spend Ellos vana gastar mucha agua regando el jardà n. Gastar Present Progressive/Gerund Form To form the present progressive you need the gerund or present participle (the English -ing form). Present Progressive ofGastar est gastando Is spending Ella est gastando mucha electricidad en su casa. Gastar Past Participle To form perfect tenses like the present perfect, you need the past participle of the verb. Present Perfect of Gastar ha gastado Has spent Ella ha gastado mucha electricidad en su casa. Gastar Conditional Indicative To talk about possibilities, you can use the conditional tense. Yo gastarà a I would spend Yo gastarà a muchos lpices en la escuela si me gustara escribir. Tà º gastarà as You would spend Tà º gastarà as dinero en cosas innecesarias si fueras millonario. Usted/à ©l/ella gastarà a You/he/she would spend Ella gastarà a mucha electricidad en su casa, pero siempre apaga las luces. Nosotros gastarà amos We would spend Nosotros gastarà amos mucha gasolina en el viaje si fuà ©ramos en carro. Vosotros gastarà ais Youwould spend Vosotros gastarà ais tiempo viendo fotosen el trabajo, pero el jefe no os lo permite. Ustedes/ellos/ellas gastarà an You/they would spend Ellos gastarà an mucha agua regando el jardà n, pero por suerte ha llovido bastante. Gastar Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive is used in sentences with two clauses, when the speaker is expressing a desire, doubt, denial, emotion, negation, possibility, or other subjective situations. Que yo gaste That I spend La maestra espera que yo gaste muchos lpices en la escuela. Que tà º gastes That you spend Tu madre no quiere que tà º gastes dinero en cosas innecesarias. Que usted/à ©l/ella gaste That you/he/she spend Carlos no cree que ella gaste mucha electricidad en su casa. Que nosotros gastemos That we spend Andrea no quiere que nosotros gastemos mucha gasolina en el viaje. Que vosotros gastà ©is That you spend El jefe no permite que vosotros gastà ©is tiempo en el trabajo. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas gasten That you/they spend El jardinero recomienda que ellos gasten mucha agua regando el jardà n. Gastar Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive can be conjugated in two different ways: Option 1 Que yo gastara That I spent La maestra esperaba que yo gastara muchos lpices en la escuela. Que tà º gastaras That you spent Tu madre no querà a que tà º gastaras dinero en cosas innecesarias. Que usted/à ©l/ella gastara That you/he/she spent Carlosno creà a que ella gastara mucha electricidad en su casa. Que nosotros gastramos That we spent Andrea no querà a que nosotros gastramos mucha gasolina en el viaje. Que vosotros gastarais That you spent El jefe no permità a que vosotros gastarais tiempo viendo fotosen el trabajo. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas gastaran That you/they spent El jardinero recomendaba que ellos gastaran mucha agua regando el jardà n. Option 2 Que yo gastase That I spent La maestra esperaba que yo gastase muchos lpices en la escuela. Que tà º gastases That you spent Tu madre no querà a que tà º gastases dinero en cosas innecesarias. Que usted/à ©l/ella gastase That you/he/she spent Carlos no creà a que ella gastase mucha electricidad en su casa. Que nosotros gastsemos That we spent Andrea no querà a que nosotros gastsemos mucha gasolina en el viaje. Que vosotros gastaseis That you spent El jefe no permità a que vosotros gastaseis tiempo viendo fotosen el trabajo. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas gastasen That you/they spent El jardinero recomendaba que ellos gastasen mucha agua regando el jardà n. Gastar Imperative The imperative mood is used to give commands.There are slightly different versions for positive and negative commands. Positive Commands Tà º gasta Spend!  ¡Gasta dinero en cosas innecesarias! Usted gaste Spend!  ¡Gaste mucha electricidad en su casa! Nosotros gastemos Let's spend!  ¡Gastemos mucha gasolina en el viaje! Vosotros gastad Spend!  ¡Gastad tiempo viendo fotosen el trabajo! Ustedes gasten Spend!  ¡Gasten mucha agua regando el jardà n! Negative Commands Tà º no gastes Don't spend!  ¡No gastes dinero en cosas innecesarias! Usted no gaste Don't spend!  ¡No gaste mucha electricidad en su casa! Nosotros no gastemos Let's not spend!  ¡No gastemos mucha gasolina en el viaje! Vosotros no gastà ©is Don't spend!  ¡No gastà ©is tiempo viendo fotosen el trabajo! Ustedes no gasten Don't spend!  ¡No gasten mucha agua regando el jardà n!
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Financial Analysis of Dell Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Financial Analysis of Dell Inc - Essay Example Because of the aforementioned strengths, the company has made a name in the computer industry and secured a significant portion of the global market share. The company also enjoys strong brand equity. Acquisition of financing is relatively easier as the company’s stock has a higher market value. With its commitment to excellence and bright industry prospects, I believe that the company will be able to sustain these strengths in the further.One of the major weaknesses of Dell is its lack of proprietary technology in its production activities. Some experts refer to Dell as a computer maker and not a computer manufacturer. As Dell purchases, semi-assembled inputs in its production, bargaining power is tilted to suppliers. Dell’s heavy dependency on suppliers also exposes it to risk faced by them. Dell’s high utilization of long-term debt in financing its assets may make its investors reluctant in purchasing its stocks. The company can overcome these weaknesses by in vesting more in research and development. Strategic partnerships should also be strengthened and company should be able to manage its cost more efficiently. I am very much optimistic about the future of Dell, Inc. The rapid technological advancement and growing importance of computing devices assure the business organization with a sure market. It should also be noted that the online business model exclusively employed by Dell will surely be patronized as the level of internet penetration in the world increases sharply.... Strengths and Weaknesses The major strength of Dell, Inc. is its utilization of a business model which enables it to reap various benefits which are not enjoyed by its competitors. The direct business cut a significant amount of cost in the company's supply chain by eliminating the less value adding activities. Inventories were kept low and technological breakthroughs are delivered to the customer within a week opposed to industry's average of two months. The direct business model also enabled the company to market directly to the buyers, thereby offering more customized products. Another is Dell's cost leadership strategy. As the company is able to produce computers with the least possible cost, the company is also able to charge lower prices to customers relative to its competitors. Because of the aforementioned strengths, the company has made a name in the computer industry and secured a significant portion of the global market share. The company also enjoys strong brand equity. Acquisition of financing i s relatively easier as the company's stock has a higher market value. With its commitment for excellence and bright industry prospects, I believe that the company will be able to sustain these strengths in the further. One of the major weaknesses of Dell is its lack of proprietary technology in its production activities. Some experts refer to Dell as a computer maker and not a computer manufacturer. Another is Dell's high dependence on its suppliers. As Dell purchases semi-assembled inputs in its production, bargaining power is tilted to suppliers. Dell's heavy dependency on suppliers also exposes it to risk faced by them. Dell's high utilization of long term dent in financing its assets may make its investors reluctant in purchasing its stocks. The
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marketing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing Management - Assignment Example The company also plans to raise the prices of the brand in the future to cater for the rising price of raw material used in the production of the beverage (New, 2011). The company in an effort increase the pricing is also cautious about the effect of the rise on the volume of their sales. There is a probability of reducing the volume of sales when compared to the previous years. The company also faces the problem of their customers switching to the competitors soft drink. In view of all this, the company carefully looks at the probable way of raising the price without affecting their volume of sales (New, 2011). The coca cola company employs the two channels of distribution the direct market channelling which involves dealing directly with the customer. This direct marketing channel can also have intermediaries who are the wholesalers and retailers. The other channel is the business distribution channels the organisation utilises its own sales group to sell to business customers. This does involve multilevel distribution. This is the most commonly used procedure by the coca-cola company (MKT300, 2008). The business distribution channels consist of manufactures representatives and industrial distributors as the intermediaries. The manufactures in the direct marketing ensure that consumers get the soft drinks in time. They sell to the consumer in bulk or retail amounts and at an affair price. The retailers also ensure that consumers get the goods they usually sell in small quantities and a higher price than the manufacturers. In the business, distribution channels the manufactures representatives do sell in bulk to the industrial distributors or the Industrial customer. The distribution channels ensure that the goods reach the customer on time and in the right manner (Coca-Cola Company, 2008). Company’s monitor their channel performance to be able to plan. The channel
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment, Including the Effect on Working Style Essay Example for Free
Impact of ICT on an Adult in Employment, Including the Effect on Working Style Essay Anything people have made could be called technology, but usually people think of advances in using scientific knowledge and applying it to a practical use, like creating photovoltaic cells or wind turbines. Technology interested in examples of a specific technology in use, such as the internet or Decision Support Systems. Technology can solve most of our problems and everything which we are using in our live for example: radio, television, computers, internet, mobile phone, and These are called technology. We use technology in different places too for example: at home, in offices, business, shops, or so on. Different people give Different people will give it different meaning depending on their viewpoint and context. The role and impacts of technology in both our personal and lives are ever growing. Technology is about taking action to meet a human need rather than merely understanding the workings of the natural world. We can define Technology like this: A body of knowledge used to create tools, develop skills, and extract or collect materials; the application of science (the combination of the scientific method and material) to meet an objective or solve a problems called Technology. Aim: In this study I am going to tell about the life of John: John is a engineer and he is 52 years old he has 22 years experience and he is a businessman and he use different technologies for his work and for his life he use the following technologies: E mail Mobile Phone Laptop Computer And also I am writing about the life of John which how does the technology affect on his life and how this technology change his life, because John said that 20 years ago I have not any Mobile Phone, e-mail address and Software, which I have now, and he said that since 5 years the technology has changed my life and I can not do my works without these technologies. E-mail introduction: E-mail, short for electronic mail, is a system in which a computer user can exchange messages with other computer users using a communications network. To use e-mail, you must have access to a computer that is linked to the outside world, via a modem, phone line, or fiber optic cable (Ethernet). Sending e-mail is similar to sending postal mail, with some very important differences: 1. E-mail is thousands of times faster. A message can go from Illinois to Australia in seconds! 2. E-mail is free on campus-there is no postage cost to students. 3. E-mail is not as private as a regular letter. 4. E-mail does involve learning how to use computer programs. 5. Also, E-mail requires us to have a sign-on to the electronic mail system, and this usually involves having a password, too. 6. E-mail can be sent to many people at the same time, and you can participate in on-going discussions on many subjects at the same time. 7. E-mail can access information and file libraries, well send a message and get a document or pictures back within minutes. 8. E-mail often contains typos and misspellings because it is so easy to produce and send. How/why he uses E-mail personally? John uses e-mail to send his report to the company that he is working for at the time and to send or receive photographs over the internet. Sending reports over the internet saves a lot of time and is an easier method of communicating than through the post. Before he got the internet he used the post to send the report to the company. He use the internet to inform his partners, and when he fine an offer he can send an e-mail to all of his colleague to inform those and some times he sent some maps of homes from his own e-mail to other colleague, and also he use e-mail to sent some photos and videos too, and he said: that I am not always use my e-mail to my own work I use my email for enjoying and sending messages for my Childs, wife, friends and to my families too. What is the advantages/disadvantage of e-mail? John said that E-mail Advertising, as effective as it is has both advantages and disadvantages. It is useful to be well aware of both sides of the coin as one embarks on the use of e-mail for their marketing and advertising, and he is also that the good news is that the advantages of e-mail advertising are numerous and far outweigh the few disadvantages. The advantages of e-mail which effect on his life these are in the following: 1. Its faster. He received email almost immediately after it is send, usually within minutes. 2. Its more conversational. Because of its immediacy, a whole series of e-mail messages maybe he exchanged within a very short time. As a result, email messages tend to be less formal and they are also usually shorter and more to the point. 3. Because e-mail is so new, he has no hard and fast rules about what may be said in a message. These rules are evolving because of his increased use of email, as well as the advent of new technology that continually affects how he applies it. And he also said that e-mail does not have just advantages it has disadvantages too, now I am writing about the disadvantages of e-mail which effect on John life: 1. As he has seen, one of the biggest disadvantages of email is the capability for misunderstanding. Email has some other disadvantages as well. It can be used to talk to more than one person at a time, but the means for doing so can be a bit cumbersome. At its core, email is a one to one communication medium. Email requires active participation, and he has to check his email to get messages. If he does not check his email, he will never know that somebody has contacted him. 2. Too much e-mail can lead to management problems with his in-box being overwhelmed by mail. 3. Due to its informal nature it is easy to his to ignore-unlike communication on the telephone or mail. Which things E-mail contain? * Inbox: An area in his mail memory that holds received messages that have not been read or processed. * Drafts: When he saved some documents in his e-mail address, the files and documents which he saved before he can find in Drafts. * Sent: The mails which he sent this sent item will tell him which files, letters, documents and images he sent. * Spam: Internet spam is one or more unsolicited messages, sent or posted as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantially identical content. * Trash: rubbish and worthless material that is to be disposed of. * Contacts: All his friends, families, workers and someone else that John knows them he can save all his e-mail address in contact and then can see their emails easily and early when he wants. * Calendar: We all know about meaning of Calendar, calendar is a system of organizing days for a socially, religious, commercially, or administratively useful purpose. * Notepad: Some important sentences that John want to save them Notepad is the place that he can save them all their. If John didnt have E-mail, how would it affect his job? John said: if I didnt have e-mail address then I would lose my business, because I have lots of workers in my business I can see every one and telling all of them about their jobs, so the easiest way for me is that I am sending all of them and receiving the responses of them, and also by using my mail I can sent some maps and places and directions for my workers, and I am informing them, also I am using my mails to sent and receives from my family, and friends too. Mobile Phone Introduction: A Mobile Phone (also known as a Cellular Telephone) is defined as a portable electronic device for the purpose of telecommunications over long distances. Most current mobile phones actually connect to a cellular network of base stations (the cell sites themselves) which overlap to yield coverage and which also link to the standard landline public switched telephone network. It should be noted that mobile phones are distinct from household cordless telephones which generally operate only within range of a dedicated base station (though the distinction is blurring with mobile phones that can link via Bluetooth to a home internet base station). It should be noted, however, that the term mobile phone can refer to any type of mobile telephony device and also includes satellite phones and radio phones. Most phones has camera which we can take photos, and record some videos too. How/why he uses Mobile Phone? John use mobile phones to be connect with his family, children, and wife and with his friends. And he uses his mobile phone in office and to his business to inform his workers and to be in touch with the peoples which he works. He also uses mobile phone to send videos, photos, messages for every body which he wants. He uses different things that his mobile contain and the following things his mobile phones contain: Messages, Contact, Alarm, Calendar, Fun box, Reminder, Call register, Tones, Profiles, Calculator. He uses Messages to send document and messages for his family, friend, wife and sons. He uses Alarm to wake up morning early for his job. And the calendar which his Mobile Phone contain he known that what date is today and which day is today. And his mobile phone has reminder to remind him sometimes which he forgot some works. And some times the times which he filling board he is going to Games which it mobile has and Playing some games, and his mobile phone has internet too that he can go too internet and see his mails and another things which we can do it on internet and he said that I am glad and I am filling too good cause I can solve my lots of problems with using the mobile phone. What are advantages/disadvantages of mobile phone when he use? Advantages of using mobile phone: 1. He can take it with him whom he didnt miss important calls. 2. He doesnt have telemarketers bugging him at dinner time. 3. If he has car trouble or an accident he can call for emergencies. 4. He can take the pictures of accident or any things else by his mobile phones. 5. If he is finding for somewhere he can call for directions. 6. If he goes to store and wants to buy something he can use his mobile phone for more details or for more information. 7. He can use his mobile phone to see his mails and some sides. 8. With integrated phones and their features, making his life much easier no matter what kind a profession or age a person is. 9. Mobile phone doesnt have to call, he uses his mobile phone for the following things too: camera, music player, features, emailing, document editor and so on. Disadvantage of using mobile phone: 1. John said: I had an accident, because when I was derived I talked with my wife. 2. Most of time he missed lots of important calls when he forgot his mobile somewhere. 3. His mobile phone need charges for using it, therefore this is very boring and sad for John to charge it every day. 4. When John has some meeting often his mobile phone disturbs him during his works. How good is it at fulfilling his personal needs? John has got a new version of mobile phone called (Nokia N95), which is the most technically advanced smart phone ever! Complete with satellite navigation, a 5 mega pixel camera with auto focus, 3G video calling, with 8 GB chip, that his Nokia N95 contain. And the following things which his mobile phone includes they are most likely to fulfilling his personal needs. Some times John is recording with his phone everywhere and anything which he wants and can get images too. The Nokia N95 has almost everything else he could use them to fulfilling his needs: * Music Player with support for all common music formats. * A stereo FM radio. * Integrated hands free speaker. * Speaker independent voice dialing. * Talking ring tones. * HSDPA (the fast data transfer technology dubbed 3.5G). How good is it at fulfilling his social needs? John use his mobile phone to be always in touch with his friends, workers, families, and businessmen and another ways to develop social and communication called text which he uses most of times. Texting is particularly important in maintaining contact with a wide social network allows him to maintain social bonds even when he do not have the time, energy, inclination or budget for calls or visits. Texting re-creates the brief, frequent, spontaneous connections with members of our social network that characterized the small communities of pre industrial times. And also John hasnt always thinks about himself but he is helping people too and sometimes he teach some students in universities too for helping and some people calling him to solve their problems, and this is the easiest way for him to talk with lots of people without meets them. One of the most dangerous of mobile phone is that when he is driving some times he picked up phone and it can cause accident which he did before. How does John use mobile phone at work? Often John uses his mobile phone to be in touch with his family, friends he is not using his mobile phone at office, but he has an office phone which is called handheld mobile phone. And handheld mobile phone is working same like mobile phone but it doesnt need any chip just he connected his handheld mobile phone on socket which needs electricity and he has three of these. And this handheld mobile phone is cheaper than mobile phone when he called somewhere and John is saying that he made me too much busy therefore I cant do my works clearly and with good mind. He is using his mobile phone at office too, because some times handheld mobile phone is busy, then he uses he mobile phone he wants, and this is the biggest advantages of mobile phone. John said: when I have bought mobile phone I filled too much comfortable, and my business also day by day increasing and I have got too much money. Laptop Computer Introduction: I am writing a brief introduction about laptop computer and the kind of things which most of laptop computer (note books) contain: A laptop is a portable personal computer that is of a size that it can sit on our lap. Or we can define it like this: Laptop (or notebook PC) is a portable computer that can be battery or mains powered. They provide flexibility beyond the standard PC but often at a significant price premium. Laptop and desktop have big different and both of them are mixture words. Laptop means we sit it on our lap, and desktop means we sit it on desk. Laptop contains the following major features: * Keyboard: Keyboard layout is often sacrificed. The home, End, Page- Up and Page Down keys may not be dedicated, requiring that we hold down the Fn key at the same time. This can be very cumbersome if we use these keys a lot. Function keys and cursor keys are often made smaller, and one keyboard feels better than another. * Screen Resolution: Today, laptops use high-quality active matrix LCD screens. However, the built-in display system also feeds an external monitor for desktop use or a data projector. * External Display keyboard Connectors: Connect a full-size CRT and keyboard for home/office. Even if we like our laptop keyboard, we may want to use an external one with our external monitor, so that both units are positioned comfortably. A full-size keyboard can be connected through the external keyboard port or USB port. * Built-in Pointing Device: Either a touchpad or pointing stick is built into the laptop. There are differences. A regular mouse is always an option and connects via the mouse port or USB port. * Expansion: Expansion is a little more critical with laptops than with desktops that have extra bus slots and drive bays. However, nowadays laptops all have PC Card (PCMCIA) slots and USB ports, making them very flexible. * Batteries: Lithium ion batteries do not suffer from the memory- effect of older nickel cadmium, and to a slightly lesser extent, nickel metal hydride. * Multimedia: All laptops today have built-in speakers and generally include an optical drive (CD-RW, DVD-ROM or DVD-RW). DVD drives typically support all CD read and write modes as well. A removable drive offers more flexibility for upgrading later. * Weight: Seven pounds does not sound like much until we lug it around all day. To reduce poundage. Sub notebooks use external floppy. CD and DVD drives. One of the first time laptop in 1983, Tandys Radio Shack division launched the Model 100 micro Executive Workstation. It weighed only four pounds and included a built-in word processor, name and address list and modem. The Model 100 was inspiration for the huge portable market that followed. Laptop computers generally cost more than desktop computers with the same capabilities because they are more difficult to design and manufacture. A laptop can effectively be turned into a desktop computer with a docking station, a hardware frame that supplies connections for peripheral input/output devices such as a printer or larger monitor. Laptop usually comes with displays that use thin-screen technology. The thin film transistor or active matrix screen is brighter and views better at different angles than the STN or dual-scan screen. Laptops use several different approaches for integrating a mouse into the keyboard, including the touch pad, the trackball, and the pointing stick. A serial port also allows a regular mouse is attached. The PC Card is insertable hardware for adding a modem or network interface card to a laptop. CD-ROM and digital versatile disc drives may be built-in or attachable. How/why he uses laptop computer personally? After all, todays laptops have just as much computing power as desktops, without taking up as much space. He can take a laptop on the road with him to do his computing or make presentations. Perhaps he prefers comfortably working on his couch in front of the TV instead of sitting at a desk. A laptop is a full-blown, genuine computer that can do anything a desktop computer can do. John can do programming, word processing, spreadsheets, databases, accounting and multimedia presentations. The portability of laptops allows him to do many things that he cannot do with a desktop. He can write his sales proposal, article or business presentation while traveling on a plane or commuting on the bus or train or subway. What is Laptop computers memory? Laptops have memory, both RAM and ROM, just like desktops. The laptops ROM chip contains the BIOS just as it does in a desktop computer. RAM stores the application software and data files while the computer is on. RAM differs on a laptop in that it uses a different form facto that is, the size and shape of the modules that carry the RAM. Manufacturers have to build laptops to be portable (smaller) and to withstand more jostling (durable) than a desktop would ever get, so the memory modules have to be different. While some laptops use a standard Small Outland Dual Inline Memory Module (SODIMM), others use the manufacturers proprietary memory modules. Most laptops should have at least 64 MB of RAM to have sufficient memory to run operating systems and applications software. Also, some laptops allow him to upgrade the memory of his computer and come equipped with convenient access panels to plug in additional memory chips. What is Laptop computers Disk Drives? Like desktop, laptops have various disk drive storage devices. All laptops have an internal hard disk drive, usually 6 to 20 gigabytes (GB). The hard disk drive stores operating systems, application programs and data files. Although the hard disk drive works the same in a laptop as it does in a desktop, laptops generally have less disk space than desktops and he will have fewer choices for hard disk drives in laptop. The smaller hard disk space is one of the chief limitations of laptops. What are the advantages of laptop when john uses? John think when one thinks of laptops there are a few immediate advantages that come to mind. From John readings and personal experience these revolve around some of the following points: * The flexibility and mobility of laptops increases access time. * They tend to be lightweight-thus mobile. * Can easily be moved around the classroom. * Give you the option of being wireless. * Being able to have them in class away from a lab setting time management factor * Portable on field trips. * One can get instant access to information (wireless or internet connected laptops) * Access in class to multiple online resources, search engines, encyclopedias and discussion groups * Participate in virtual communities. * Ability to communicate and research at multiple levels. * Digital brainstorming, outlining and presentations can be generated within classroom walls. * Note taking, webbing which then can be shared immediately. * ; Data processing, analysis; incorporating online databases and spreadsheets. * Student with data processing can immediately check their results and develop immediate in class analysis. * It works 2 3 hours without any electricity. * It is small and has low density and can everybody bring whit themselves. * Greater ability to share, communicate and access students files or vice versa teacher assignments. * Ability to display and demonstrate leaning using a TV monitor or projector in office, or class accessing. * And our laptops have games too, which in bored time we can play their. What are the Disadvantages of laptop? * Laptops are more expensive * Slower than a desktop * Difficult to upgrade or repair * John has to lug it around all day * Much easier to drop or break * It can be easily stolen * If he speed his type the laptop will probably rock on his laptop with his typing which can become quite uncomfortable. How good is it at fulfilling his personal needs? John recommends that laptop users carry out prolonged task with their machine set up on a desk, with an external keyboard a mouse attached. This allows them to adopt a much safer posture, rather than the position a laptop forces them into. John said: having a laptop means that I can work just about anywhere, and he also said: If I go away for the weekend, I can take my work with me, and even do some of it on the train. He uses his laptop computer to see connect it with TV and see some movies, songs, BBC and so on. What is John opinion about laptop using? John said: The use of laptop or notebook computer is widespread and many people use them regularly as part of the work process. Where a laptop is used regularly by people as a significant part of their day-to- day work, then these regulations will apply. In many cases employers will use the one-hour rule i.e. if a laptop is used continually for one hour or more than the employee will be classified as a user. There are three main categories of risk associated with laptop use: 1. Equipment design 2. The environment that they are to be used in. 3. Physical demands upon the use.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Different Perspective of Heathcliff Essay -- Character Analysis, Hea
What is a traditional hero? In many works of literature, the author portrays a character that is faced with many difficult obstacles, in which the character often prevails and becomes a hero. The challenges, which the character undergoes, allows the reader to appreciate the character due to their bravery, courage, and their willingness to sacrifice. In Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontà «, many readers are able to view Heathcliff as a hero, but how? Heathcliff is not a traditional hero. In fact, the term Byronic hero, would fit Heathcliff’s description in every aspect. Now, what are the characteristics of a Byronic hero? In order to be classified as a Byronic hero, the character needs to display: a high level of intelligence, a troubled past, emotional conflicts, a disliking of social restraints or rules, the status of a social outcast, dark attributes, a taste for vengeance, but most importantly, with all of the negative attributes, the character has the ability to show strong affection for another. These traits are the outline to the plot of Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff resides in the country of Yorkshire, where his estate, Wuthering Heights, is â€Å"completely removed from the stir of society†(Brontà «, 1). Heathcliff enjoys solitude and â€Å"guests are so exceedingly rare in this house†(6), and becomes irritated when guests do visit, wishing â€Å"no repetition of my intrusion†(7). Heathcliff acquires the dark attributes in the novel as if â€Å"a ray fell on his features†(101), stating at the beginning, Heathcliff came from a poverty-stricken country of Liverpool as a â€Å"wicked boy†(53) with â€Å"black eyes†(1), â€Å"black hair†(38), and being â€Å"dirty†(38). With Heathcliff coming from a different nationality, his childhood was uneasy. Hindley, Heathcliff... ...everyone was meaningless, â€Å"I have lost the faculty of enjoying their destruction†(355), and the only thing that will ever bring himself happiness, is to be with his love, Catherine. Many readers view Heathcliff’s actions as absurd, inappropriate, and outrageous. Readers feel Heathcliff hasâ€Å"†¦come from the devil†(38) due to his actions. On the other hand, some readers feel sympathy for Heathcliff and understand that a rough childhood and the loss of his true love to another man justifies his actions. Heathcliff holds all the traits of a Byronic hero: the dark characteristics, a taste for vengeance, emotional conflicts, but with all the flaws, Heathcliff is still capable of being passionate and the ability to show strong affection for Catherine. Heathcliff is no ordinary traditional hero, but in Lord Byron’s eyes, he is the perfect example of a Byronic Hero.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Eastern Orthodox Essay
I. Origin The Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholicism were branches of the same bodyâ€â€the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church until 1054 AD, which is the date of the first major division and the beginning of â€Å"denominations†in Christianity. The Christian Church divided into two Churches, East and West. Both Churches believe that they are the original Church established by Jesus Christ and the Apostles, and they disapprove each other. The Church in the East added â€Å"orthodox†, which comes from the Greek word â€Å"orthodxia†, to show that they retain the original teachings and traditions. Every Church in the Eastern Orthodox system can trace their roots back to the five early Christianity centerâ€â€the Roman Church, the Jerusalem Church, Antioch, the Alexandrian Church and the Church of Constantinople. Although all Orthodox Churches recognize the Patriarch of Constantinople as the ecumenical Patriarch and the supreme leader, the Churches are ind ependent of each other in the mutual recognition of state instead of entirely united. Disagreements between the two branches of Christianityâ€â€Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicismâ€â€had long existed even before the division, and increased throughout the first millennium. Their disputes include issues pertaining to the nature of the Holy Spirit, the use of icons in worship, and the correct date to celebrate Easter. Also, the Eastern mindset inclined more toward philosophy, mysticism and ideology. They reject rationalism, as they believe that unless God speaks out, humans can not know him through reason. The Western outlook guided more by a practical and legal mentality, a perfect example being the Summa Theologica by St. Thomas which successfully fused Aristotelian philosophy with ideology. The Catholics believe that humans can one day see the true body of the Lord through rationality. With these disputes worsening and the gaps widening, separation was inevitable. The slow process of it was encouraged in 330 AD when Emperor Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to the city of Byzantium and called in Constantinople. After he died, the Roman empire was divided by his two sons into the Eastern portion, which was ruled from Constantinople, and the Western portion, which was ruled from Rome. The formal split took place in 1045 AD when Pope Leo IX, leader of the Roman Church at the time, excommunicated the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael Cerularius, leader of the Eastern Church. Cerularius then condemned the Pope in mutual excommunication. Michael Cerularius was the Patriarch of Constantinople from 1043-1058 AD, and played a prominent role in the East-West Schism. In 1045 he wrote a letter to the Pope claiming the title â€Å"ecumenical patriarch†and addressing Pope Leo as â€Å"brother†rather than â€Å"father†. It can be argued that it was this letter that initiated the events which followed. At the time the two primary disputes were Rome’s claim to a universal papal supremacy and the adding of the word filioque to the Nicene Creed. Filioque is a Latin word which means â€Å"and from the Son†. By inserting it to the Nicene Creed during the 6th century, the phrase pertaining to the origin of the Holy Spirit â€Å"who proceeds from the Father†was changed to â€Å"who proceeds from the Father and the Son†. The change was made to emphasize Christ’s divinity, but was strongly objected by the Eastern Christians, as they not only opposed any alteration of anything by the first ecumenical council, but also disagreed with its new meaning. Eastern Christians believe that both the Holy Spirit and the Son have their origin in the Father. During the time of the Crusades beginning in 1095, Rome joined the East in fight against the Turks to defend the Holy Land. But by the end of the Forth Crusade in 1204, all hope for potential reconciliation between the two Churches was over as the hostility between them continued to worsen. The Eastern and Western Churches remain divided and separate until present day. II. Institutional Structure â€Å"The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant. It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is Catholic, but not Roman. It isn’t non-denominationalâ€â€it is pre-denominational. It has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles since the day of Pentecost 2000 years ago.†â€â€Steve Robinson The Orthodox Catholic Church is the second largest Christian Church in the world and the religious denomination of the majority of the population in Russia, Greece, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Orthodoxy plays a smaller role in a dozen other countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and the U. S. It also consists of churches in scattered presence in other countries. The Orthodox Church has an Episcopal organizational structure where consecrated bishops are the chief ecclesiastical officers in each diocese and have the power to ordain priests. The Church believes in the Apostolic Succession, which means that the consecration of its bishops can be traced back to Jesus’ apostles. The Orthodox Church is composed of several self-governing ecclesial bodies, each geographically and nationally distinct but theologically unified. Each self-governing body, often but not always encompassing a nation, is shepherded by a Holy Synod whose duty, among other things, is to preserve and teach the apostolic and patristic traditions and related church practices. III. Basic Belief System In Orthodox history, events that have transformed the external appearance of the Orthodox worldâ€â€the capture of Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem by Arab Muslims; the burning of Kiev by the Mongols; the two sacks of Constantinople; the October Revolutionâ€â€have never broken the inward continuity of the Orthodox Church. The greatest characterization of the Orthodox faith is its antiquity, its apparent changelessness, its continuity with the Apostolic Church and that it follows the faith and practices defined by the first seven Ecumenical Councils. For the Orthodox Christians, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity underlies all theology and spirituality. Salvation is personal and underlines particularity, yet also communal and implies sharing; there is a uniqueness and wholeness in the human person, in humanity and in creation. It is also on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity that the councilor and hierarchical structure of the Orthodox Church rests. The mystery of the Trinity is revealed in the supreme act of love, the Incarnation of the divine â€Å"Word that became flesh†, assuming and healing humanity and creation entirely. Participation in the defied humanity of Jesus Christ is the ultimate goal of the Christian life, accomplished through the Holy Spirit. In the seven Sacraments and in the life of the Church, each person is called to theosis or deification, for â€Å"God became human in order that humanity might be divinized†. When expressing these beliefs, the Orthodox look for consistency with Scripture and Tradition, as manifested in the life of the Church and the early Church Fathers, but will search also for new formulations of this tradition. External criteria of truth are lacking; for Orthodox Christians seek the living experience of truth accessible in the communion of Saints. Thus they are reluctant to define matters of faith with too much precision, in the firm conviction that truth is never exhausted. The apophatic or  negative approach safeguards the transcendence of God even while designating His immanence; it also affirms the uniqueness of each personâ€â€divine and humanâ€â€that they may never be reduced to anything less than a mystery. Integral to the long history and tradition of the Orthodox Christian faith are the Icons, which further reflect the divine glory and beauty. The Incarnation of Christ implies that God became fully human and therefore accessible and describable. God is not only understood but, at the Incarnation, is looked upon and seen. An Orthodox Church is, therefore, filled with icons invariably depicting Christ or the Saints of the Church, and an Orthodox Christian kisses and assigns veneration to those depicted by them. Icons are never worshiped, and they are the Christian faith and histories depicted in images and constitute part of the transfigured cosmos. Today people tend to think of the Orthodox Church as a vast, world-wide institution. Yet the concept of universality as expressed in the local community is a fundamental principle of Orthodox doctrine. Each local Eucharist gathering is related on the principle of identity. IV. Morality Eastern Orthodoxy does not differ from the larger Christian principles of moral thought and action in any way, but does offer a unique view on Christianity’s promised redemption. It teaches a doctrine of theosis, or unity with God, which is a kind of deification that is available to all. The Orthodox doctrine of theosis is grounded in several key New Testiment scriptures. In the epistles of Paul, he repeatedly describes the Christian life as life â€Å"in Christ.†In the Gospel of John, Jesus prayed, â€Å"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me†(John 17:20-21). The idea of this mutual indwelling, God in us and we in God, is a constant theme in John’s Gospel. In the Second Letter of Peter he says, â€Å"Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may partici pate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires†(2 Peter 1:4) The goal of the Christian life, and its expected outcome, is to partake in the divine nature. This is theosis, or deification, and the idea merits special discussion so that its meaning is not distorted. The hoped-for mystical union between God and human is a true union, but it is a union with God’s energies, not the divine essence. Humans remain fully human and distinct from God. But they become perfected in grace, so that every element of ego and selfishness disappears and they are able to reflect the divine light. Few Christians will experience theosis before the Day of Judgment, but on that day, Christians will be resurrected and glorified by God, clothed in a spiritual body that radiates the divine light. Still, deification begins in the here and now, in the daily lives of ordinary Christians. All Christians are called to follow God’s commandments, and as long as they try to do so, however weak their efforts may be, or however often they may fail, they become in some way deified. Deification begins in repentance, and is nurtured through the normal routines of the Christian life. To become deified, the Christian should go to church, regularly participate in the sacraments, pray to God with honesty and great sincerity, read the Gospels, and follow the commandments. The most important commandments are love of God and neighbor. To love God is to live in and for others, which is why some of the greatest of the Eastern Orthodox saints are remembered for their service to others, such as St. Basil of Caesarea (c. 330-379) caring for the sick, or St. John the Almsgiver (d. 619) caring for the poor. Sincere dedication to following the commandments and living life within the church bears with it the promise of redemption fulfilled in the resurrection of a radiant body and soul. But Christians may look forward to even more than this. The Bible speaks of a new heaven and a new earth (Revelation 21:1) and of the hope that the creation itself will be redeemed (Romans 8:22). In these scriptures, Eastern Orthodoxy sees the promise of a cosmic redemption, in which all of material creation is transfigured. This belief in the redemption as deification rests in the Orthodox interpretation of the doctrine of the Incarnation. By choosing to become human, God became flesh and blood, thereby sanctifying material as well as immaterial creation. Because of this, all of material creation can look forward to its ultimate redemption, in which pain, death, and suffering will cease, along with hostility and enmity, and all of creation will be transfigured. The first fruits of this promise can already be seen as fulfilled in the divine power that works through the holy relics, in the divine presence in the icons, and in the radiant transfigured faces of the hesychasts. V. Worship The life of an Orthodox Christian can be seen as being composed of five cycles. First of all, there is the cycle of life, which embraces the whole life of a man from birth to death, and which consists in liturgical actions which are not repeated, occurring only once in a person’s lifetime. There are Holy Baptism, Holy Chrismation (equivalent to Confirmation in the West) and the Burial Service. In addition, there also belongs in this great cycle the Sacraments or Sacramental Blessings which bestow special grace for a particular office or vocation with the community. These are Holy Matrimony, the Monastic Tonsure and Holy Orders. Another major cycle which involves the entire life of an Orthodox Christian is the daily cycle of prayers and praises offered by the Church, once every twenty-four hours. These services express our remembrance of events which happened at certain hours and contain petitions relevant to these memories. In antiquity the day was considered to begin at sunset and divided according to the following order. Night began at 6 p.m. and was divided into four parts called watches, which means the time of changing guards: Evening (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.), Midnight (9 p.m. to 12 midnight), Cock-crow (12 midnight to 3 a.m.), and Morning (3 a.m. to 6 a.m.). Day began at 6 a.m. and was too divided into four watches (or hours): First Hour (6 a.m. to 9 a.m.), Third Hour (9 a.m. to 12 noon), Sixth Hour (12 noon to 0 3 p.m.), and Ninth Hour (3 p.m. to 6 p.m.).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Beer Company Segmentation Essay
Demographic: From the market analysis portion of the paper we already established that internationally, Anheuser is expanding both into the Asian and Latin American markets. But typically what segment of the market do they target specifically? Well currently, the company is making an attempt to target the female population. Michelob Ultra is being marketed in women’s magazines like cosmopolitan and other AB brands are placed on woman-focused channels such as Oxygen and Lifetime. Women however aren’t the only focus. With the recent focus being on FMB’s, the most consistent and continuous market has been the 21-27-age bracket, mostly college students. It’s Bacardi line of flavored malt beverages and the latest additions, Tilt and B-to-the-E agree with the lifestyle of the contemporary adult looking for innovative drinks that is suitable for a variety of occasions and is an alternative to beer. For the more traditional and patriotic consumer, Anheuser markets towards its US customers by boasting on the fact that it is the only American made beer. Geographic: Currently, Anheuser is a global enterprise with distribution centers in the U. K, Japan, Canada, and Spain. It holds a 50% market share in the U. S beer market and a 50% market share in Grupo Modelo, Mexico’s leading brewer. Anheuser Busch owns 27% stake in China’s number one brewer Tsingato and is pursuing Harbin brewery Group in China. Psychographics: The trend today is for people to lead healthier lifestyles and be more conscientious in the activities and interests that they partake in. This is ever so visible in the diet plans and low-carb phase that has emerged and has become dominant. To capitalize off of this Anheuser promotes its low-calorie beer to these individuals. Anheuser also places more emphasis on it flavored malt beers to appeal to its wine and spirit consumers and to compete in a changing environment where people lead highly social lifestyles by going to bars/clubs, shows, sporting events, etc. Sponsorships of the 2006 Fifa world cup, MLB and its 26 domestic teams and the Mexican national soccer team are an attempt to capture this segment of the market. Behavioral: â€Å"18-34 year old Hispanics are consuming Spanish and English broadcast media at nearly equal rates with Spanish-language television and radio outpacing English-language television and radio; * A greater percentage of young Hispanics shop at more store types than do young non-Hispanic adults; * Young Hispanics are more likely to be impulsive shoppers. They like to keep up with styles and will spend what they have to look younger  more so than non-Hispanics young adults; * Young Hispanic adults are heavy readers of magazines with lifestyle, entertainment, automotive and sports-focused titles taking the lead; * 18-34 year old Hispanic consumers are more persuaded by advertising in Spanish and are more loyal to companies with ads in Spanish. †(Hispanic business) The trend is for Hispanics to be trendsetters and innovators instead of followers/laggards so the pattern has been to market on a personal portfolio basis instead of brand-loyalty aspect. The younger generations tend not to be brand loyal but adoptive of the newest and trendiest innovations. The behavior marketing of Anheuser Busch is tailored to the Hispanic with events, in magazines, television stations and sporting events. It sponsors the 2006 Fifa World Cup, MLB and its 26 domestic teams and the Mexican national soccer team. Not only is the behavior of Hispanics evaluated but all of diverse nations. Anheuser promotes diversity in the workforce at distribution centers across the world to be familiar with the consumer behavior of all groups. Positioning strategies: Beer is always associated with negative stereotypes of death, drunken behavior, a male activity and many other bad connotations. The fun image of Anheuser Busch (more commonly known as Busch Gardens) land looks to change the appearance as a fun image for the family. Children at a young age will be familiar with the product and see it as user friendly because it is positioned as healthy and acceptable for everyone. The addition of the low carb line of beer also helps to suggest that the beer is also healthy and socially suitable. Product strategies: Anheuser Busch product strategy includes the eye catching 7ounce shrink-wrap bottle that comes in six colorful festive designs. Bud Light, one of the brands of AB, is including the addition of flavorful beer with Bud light Oranguatang and Bud light berry. It also introduced two new one of kind brews, Celebrate by Michelob and Brews Masters Private Reserve by Budweiser. Pricing strategies: To better target the Hispanic market, AB increase the Latino budget to more than 60 million dollars, which is 66% more than last year. The increase of national media spending will also increase by three times more than last year topping 3 million dollars. â€Å"While the domestic beer company has increased tactical price promotions this year on a specific market, brand and package basis to reduce price premiums versus competition, company executives confirmed that the company’s long-term pricing strategy continues to target increases at or slightly below the consumer price index. â€Å"(Forbes) Promotion strategies: As stated before the company is promoting its product to attract woman through woman-focused channels like Oxygen and Lifetime. In addition to becoming familiar through sponsorships of major sporting events, it promotes its products through marketing messages as the only American brewery that is still American owned with profits staying in the states. Miller Brewing Company Demographic: Many breweries realize the potential of the growing Hispanic market and Miller is no different. Especially important, 75% of the Hispanic population is under 45 years old- a prime age group for beer consumption. Hispanics are the most brand-loyal demographic among beer consumers. However this is not the only segment that it targets. Miller is tailored to the contemporary drinker minimum age 24. Commercials for products such as Miller Light show the masculine image of men in masculine environments. Most of Miller products are marketed in a way where they will attract the high-end buyer that will pay a little more and conscientious of high quality. While Anheuser Busch’s Bud Light targets the younger generation, Miller Light’s targets the older demographic with the minimum age being 24. A segment that has been omitted in the marketing strategies of many products not just the beer industry has been the homosexual population. Miller hopes to capitalize off this market to regain its position as No. 1 in the industry by targeting all areas of the market. Geographic: In July 2002 Miller Brewing Company merged with South African Breweries plc, making Miller a subsidiary of the #2 brewer in the world. It became the first international brewery to establish a presence in Central America. As its top competitor, Anheuser Busch, it is expanding into the Latin and Asian markets. Unlike most breweries, it doesn’t concede to a particular geographic segment of the market but intends to account for every beer drinker in every market. Psychographics: To further appeal to their No. 1 consumer the Hispanic market, Miller Brewing Company, promotes most of their products through Hispanic events such as sponsorship of Cinco de Mayo and sponsorships of World Cups. The Hispanic market is seen as the most brand-loyal and therefore is targeted so aggressively. The advertising has an effect on the psychology of consumer behavior through the emphasis of stating that their products are of higher quality. Males are attracted to the idea of a beer that places emphasis on the bravado of a product and their behavior is altered through male marketing. Behavioral: In a male-marketed item such as the high life products, you must target the behavior and activities of the typical man. Miller is the official sponsor of the National Football League. Most of the products are marketed on a brand loyalty basis so it sponsors everyday products to gain the familiarity with consumers (ex: Kraft, Frito-Lay, Gillette, etc). Positioning strategies: Miller positions its products for the loyal consumer to the more rebellious and daring drinker. The homosexual segment is seen as a daring segment because they do not adhere to the norm of today’s society. Miller Genuine Draft Light is seen targeted on the gay and lesbian network LOGO. Miller is big on letting it’s great taste speak for itself, as seen with it’s No. 1 product Great taste-less filling ads, and has been successful. Miller with Food: Taste for yourself summer campaign was used and was instrumental in increasing sales. Product strategies: As a company, you want to be seen as one of the top in your industry. Miller guarantees this by strategically placing Genuine Draft Light next to the number one competitive low-calorie brand. The confidence of the taste and quality of its products are so high that it implements the technique of sampling to capture new beer drinkers and convert them into loyal consumers. Another technique used for their products is space management which achieves more cooler and shelf space through long-neck N-R’s in 6-pack baskets and loose case, 6 and 12 pack cans, and 6-pack N-R’s represents the package mix consumers demand. The selling of recyclable plastic bottles which made Miller the first making it the first brewer to offer widespread distribution in plastic in the United States. The plastic bottles allow for a more transportable product that remains cold for the same length as aluminum. The only downside may come from recycling officials that argue that the brown plastic bottles do not recycle well with regular soda and water bottles and the cost for accommodation of these brown bottles would be unfeasible. Pricing strategies: To further place emphasis on the higher quality of products, it does not discount its products. It believes in a motto of â€Å"No Compromise,†to get a superior product you must be prepared to pay for it. Most of its pricing strategies are given towards the advertising efforts. Last year alone it spent 40. 1 million on Hispanic-targeted print and television advertising, more than any other advertiser in the alcoholic-beverage category. Promotion strategies: Promotion of Miller products is heavily dependent upon the ever-growing population. SAB Miller signed a 100 million deal with Univision Communications, the largest Spanish language broadcaster in the U. S. It includes sponsorship of programs, product placement and commercial time on Univision’s radio, cable and broadcast networking properties. Miller realizes that all marketing efforts can be targeted at the older segment so it looks to work with major record labels and will sponsor preview parties for new album releases for popular artists. Comical commercial advertisements for Miller Light’s (Good Call) also attract the younger market. Promotion also comes from its virtual online game â€Å"Miller beer runner. †â€Å"The introduction of the Miller game came within days of Anheuser-Busch, the colossal corporation who brought the famous slogan â€Å"king of all beers†to Budweiser and its Bud family, pulling their funding for a game called â€Å"Bud pong. †After discovering that many people, especially young adults, were using beer during the game instead of water, as directions specified, they axed the marketing ads and funding for the game. â€Å"(FordhamObserver) In no way is the company promoting under-age drinking/misconduct and stands by its slogan â€Å"Live Responsibly†to promote drinking in moderation. Molson Coors Brewing Company. Demographic: Coors Brewing company has 40 different brands which appeal to consumers all over the world, specifically in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Brazil. In the U. S Coors light is its number one brand which is targeted more towards the young adult drinkers. Molson Dry is a substitute for Coors light in Quebec, the company is spending more money in advertising this product in order to make it as appealing as Coors Light is in United States. In the United Kingdom lager holds most of the market share with beer brands such as Carlin and the introduction of the new Coor’s fine lite beer. As most beer companies recognize the potential in the Hispanic community, Coors thrives to gain market share within the community by offering donations and scholarships to the Hispanic Association of Colleges and University. Molson Coors objective is to get the â€Å"Hispanic Community to adopt the brand, not just try it. †Geographic: On February 9th, 2005 Coors joined forces with Canada’s leading brewery Molson making them the 5th largest brewery by volume. This merge has presence in seven of the top either beer markets which include U. S, U. K, China, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, and Japan. Molson Coor’s holds 18. 5% market share in the United States and 21% market share in the United Kingdom. Currently it’s continuing to grow Coors light in China and other Asian markets. Psychographic: Molson Coors is always looking for new ways to attract consumers, and one of the most efficient markets is to attract people who watch their carbohydrates. In the U. S and other markets Molson Coors has No. 2 low carb beer to attract these consumers. As the craze for lite beer and low-carb beer increases, Molson Coors will keep bringing out new products for their consumers. Molson Coors also targets consumer through activities such as sports. In the U. S Coors light has the biggest sponsorship with NFL in order to promote their product. Also in the U. K whenever a consumer thinks about soccer they associate it with Carling, United Kingdom’s No. 1 lager. Behavioral: In order to make consumers familiar with their products, Molson Coors targets them through their everyday habits for example Coors light portrays the image to young adults that drinking Coors light is cool and socially acceptable. Because of this Coors light has a dominant market share amongst college students rather than Miller and Budweiser. In order to gain customer brand loyalty from most consumers Coor’s light always promotes or sponsor’s programs which are liked by consumers with different taste. Place (Distribution) Strategy: Molson Coors is always looking for new ways to communicate with its distribution channel. Recently in an attempt to increase sales Molson Coors has added more staff and applied more resources across the three largest channels Grocery Stores, Liquor Stores, and Convenience stores. Molson Coors also created a channel marketing team to develop customized promotions aimed at addressing each customer’s unique needs. Product Strategy: Molson Coors strategy as a whole is to provide high quality products using high-quality ingredients. In order to compete in the market a company has to always keep coming out with new products to evolve with the taste of the consumer. Molson Coors not only does that but also promises its consumers that the product is kept cold from packaging to delivery to retail. In the U. K the company introduced two new products called the Kasteel Cru, which is a fine imported lager brewed in Alsace France and C2 which is Carling’s new 2 percent alcohol by volume lager. In the U. S Molson Coors introduced its new low-carb beer called Aspen Edge and to make Coor’s light more attractive now consumers can buy it in new 8 oz cans. Pricing Strategy: Molson Coors is trying to cut cost and provide more value to its share holders by planning on cutting down the advertising budget. Last year alone Molson Coors spend 300 million dollars on advertising. Another method which Molson Coors used to cut costs is by reducing the number of suppliers, and building more strategic value added relationship with their vendor-partners. Promotion Strategy: In order for a company to come out on top it has to attract it’s consumers through promotions and discounts. Molson Coors promotes its products by being involved in many charities as well as Non-Profitable programs such as the Deaf Awareness program, Alcohol program and policies such as â€Å"21 means 21. †In Canada the company was involved in promoting an event called the Coors Light â€Å"Trauma Tour†which included music and action sports. In Puerto Rico the company is trying promote its product by being more involved in community programs. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Demographic: Pabst is one of the very few brewing companies that does not own a brewery. Instead it negotiates deals with other breweries such as Miller to brew its products while maintaining ownership and marketing rights of its brands. Pabst has a 3. 6% of the market share. Pabst Blue Ribbon is mostly popular amongst urban hipsters and this brand is being adopted by older generation X, and younger generation Y in Portland. In the U. S Pabst is starting to become more popular amongst professional and semi-professional snowboarders. Pabst is also being used by people who do gallery shows in order to portray and image that its time to get back to the basics. Overall Pabst uses a strategy which doesn’t involve cash but it involves customer use of the product. Geographic: Pabst has about 3. 6% market share in the U. S and about 2. 5% market share in Portland. Amongst many brands Pabst Rainier beer is more successful in the northwest. Overall in the Unites States Pabst grew 25% more in 20 different states. Psychographic: Pabst which has history associated with its name is beer for older people. The beer is acquired more with taste and consumers who use to drink Pabst in the old days have started to drink it again making them bran-loyal. Behavioral: Pabst is also considered a blue-collared beer and is targeted towards blue-collared workers. Since Pabst is the oldest brand there is customer loyalty from the older baby boomers that drank it. Place (Distribution) Strategy: Now that Pabst is trying to increase its sales in the United States as well other countries it has created highly customized retailer specific programs. Pabst Blue Ribbon has also convinced a lot of important chain grocery stores to carry their product.. Product Strategy: Pabst let’s its customer decide how they want their beer served. They haven’t done a package redesign in the last 10 years. The only change they have made in their product strategy is that they serve Pabst in bottles now. Pricing Strategy: Pabst was always known as the low cost beer. They keep their prices low by not spending money on advertisement; instead they let word of mouth do the job. Promotion Strategy: Pabst does very little promotions in order to cut cost and save money. Among the few promotions which they do have, they offer cash payments to rowdy bike messengers to drink their beer. Pabst is also trying to come out with new promotions in Portland because they see a substantial growth market there. Another way Pabst promotes is by giving away their beer free to those who use it as a advertising for their own retail shops. References http://www. usatoday. com/money/industries/food/2005-08-08-bud-tilt_x. htm http://www. hispanicbusiness. com/news/newsbyid. asp? id=12515 http://www. forbes. com/execpicks/prnewswire/feeds/prnewswire/2005/05/25/prnewswire200505250915. PR_NEWS_B_MWT_CG_CGW010. html http://www. anheuser-busch. com http://www. rocketink. com/Miller%20speech. pdf http://www. shtml http://www. duluthsuperior. com/mld/duluthsuperior/12213156. htm http://www. realbeer. com/news/articles/news-000738. php http://www. In. On. eer. Games. Marketing. Strategies. And. Their. Effects-1051629. shtml? page=2 http://www. coors. com/2004_AnnRpt/uklager. asp http://www. adamsbevgroup. com/bd/2005/0510_bd/0510ber. asp http://www. molsoncoors. com/webcast/documents/Q1_2005_Webcast_Transcript. pdf http://sixmile. clemson. edu/pbr. htm http://www. fastcompany. com/fast50_04/winners/stewart. html.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cigarettes essays
Cigarettes essays Cigarettes continue to be the most popular form of tobacco worldwide. This useless habit causes devastating problems in the United States today; it is common knowledge that cigarettes are extremely additive, create health hazards for nonsmokers, and cause complications for women who smoke during pregnancy. More importantly, the government should ban cigarettes because the chemicals and tobacco smoke are harmful to the environment, and children need protection from exposure to tobacco smoke. European explorers founded tobacco, a plant that is mainly growing in America and Australia, in 1942 on the North and South of America. However, many different native cultures had long traditions of chewing, smoking, and snuffing tobacco. Used regularly in ritual and social contexts, tobacco and its counterparts were appreciated precisely for their physiological and mind-altering effects, which, among other things aided the Amerindians (Travel). The Americans grasped the importance of the plant within native cultures and verbal descriptions of its use were featured in virtually all publications about the New World (4). Tobacco is filled with all sorts of chemicals. Instead of focusing on nicotine itself and removing the toxic contaminants, the tobacco industries took the opposite course and actually added several hundred more chemicals. These additives served various purposes, primarily smoothing and aromatizing the harsh smoke of natural tobacco (Tobacco). There are many powerful poisons in tobacco smoke. Nicotine causes the blood vessels to constrict raising blood pressure and forcing it to work harder than it should. Tar is a cancer-causing substance that clings to the inside of the lungs, forming a brown, sticky coat. All tobacco contains tar. Each time someone inhales smoke, carbon monoxide enters the lungs. The tiny blood vessels in the lungs pick up carbon monoxide instead of oxygen. Ammonia (used in window cleaners), phenol (toilet bo...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Big Brother Is Watching Essay Research Paper
Large Brother Is Watching Essay, Research Paper # 8220 ; Big Brother is Watching # 8221 ; Privacy in the Information Age. Vladimira Love May 13, 2001 Have you sat down to eat dinner, merely as you put that first seize with teeth into your oral cavity the phone rings. You know better than to reply it, but you do any manner. To your discouragement you find out that you were right Tele-marketers? As you hang up you inquire how did they acquire my figure? How do they cognize what are your involvements, likes, disfavors? You manus the teller a fictile card with a magnetic strip which contains your name and reference. All of your purchases are recorded and a few yearss subsequently you receive price reduction vouchers for a new merchandise you might wish in the mail. You think that targeted selling in the information age truly works! A adult female feels she may be anticipating, she goes to the pharmaceutics to buy a place gestation trial. Without thought, she hands her # 8220 ; bonus card # 8221 ; to the teller and a few yearss subsequently she receives mail from baby merchandise industries. She is believing that she is populating in an information age incubus. Information engineering, and peculiarly the cyberspace and the World Wide Web, can supply benefits that were merely dreamed of a decennary ago. These new chances, nevertheless, raise inquiries about possible menaces to personal privateness that are merely now get downing to be understood. Consumers, for illustration, like # 8220 ; one on one selling # 8221 ; at Miscellaneous Web sites which allows them to shop assorted choices recommended based on old purchases and their personal profile. They are much less certain about the site # 8217 ; s developing existent clip profiles of users based on demographics or psychographics. Similarly, workaholics are attracted to internet dating services that promise to happen high winners their ideal mate ; They lief spend 30 proceedingss finishing the extended introductory questionnaire. They are less thrilled when they subsequently find that # 8220 ; E-Mate # 8221 ; has been acquired by another company specifically for its extended informations base of personal information. Our concern is the privateness of personal information in a digitally networked universe where personal informations can be input, stored, sorted, analyzed, mined, transmitted and exchanged globally with increasing easiness and diminishing cost. There is turning concern about informations privateness, particularly on the Net which is accompanied by pronounced dissensions about what can, and should be done. These differences are exacerbated by really existent cross-cultural and cross-national differences in values, history and economic doctrines. Where national boundary lines are non even rush bumps on the information expressway. We argue that while the protection of personal informations in a networked universe requires multinational solutions, blunt differences exist in basic privateness values among states and civilizations. These differences, which flow from basic cultural traits such as individuality and changing political-economic doctrines, are really existent and can non be # 8220 ; papered over. # 8221 ; This circle must be squared: planetary solutions must cover with local differences. The information privateness issue serves as a metaphor for more general jobs of administration of the universe economic system given the world of basic, implicit in cross-border societal, cultural and political differences. Data privateness is a concern on the Net. A recent E-Trust study found that over 80 % of consumers are more concerned about privateness on the Net than with the telephone or mail. A widely cited Business Week/Harris canvass reported that 61 % of respondents who use the Net citation privateness as their primary concern. An OECD workshop concluded that unless consumers gained more assurance that their privateness would be protected, the growing of Electronic Commerce ( E-Commerce ) would be hindered. Consumers should be concerned. While the state of affairs may hold improved slightly in the meantime, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission reported that while over 85 % of Web sites collected personal information, merely 14 % provide any notice about their privateness patterns and merely 2 % provide a comprehensive privateness policy. Concern about privateness was about long before the Net and Web. The New York Police Department was tapping phones within a decennary or two of Bell # 8217 ; s first call. Party lines and operators were ill-famed for listen ining. More late the widespread usage of recognition cards and the development of recognition agencies have raised serious concerns about control over personal information. It is sensible to inquire is anything truly new? I believe the reply is # 8220 ; yes, # 8221 ; that the detonation of interrelated digital webs makes a important difference in the econo mics and feasibleness of utilizing â€Å"private†information. More of what we do is ( or can be ) input in to a computing machine system than of all time before: debit card purchases and ATM backdowns ; phone calls ; the location of your cell phone ; supermarket purchases ; where your Web browser is indicating ; where you are when you fill your auto with gas ; the toll booth you merely passed through ; and the extended information you provided when using for insurance, a new auto or a mortgage on the Web. As of import, the cost of geting, hive awaying, screening, analysing, excavation, conveying and interchanging information is falling dramatically. Most of import is the inter-operability or interconnectivity. We live in a universe of decentralized but interconnected computing machine webs. Once entered digitally, personal information potentially is available to anyone connected to the net, irrespective of where it resides. The differentiation between authorities or public and private informations is going meaningless in a universe of distributed webs. Newer informations excavation techniques allow a huge sum of information about any of us to be collected and analyzed by a broad assortment of terminal users. It is just to surmise that the Net is inherently invasive ; that the assemblage of personal information, profiling and targeted selling, which bring benefits every bit good as costs, are portion and package of E-Commerce. Internet does non map on geographic infinite. National and cultural boundary lines are irrelevant ; more of import, so is the really construct of geographic legal power. The EU recognizes that in prohibitions of informations transportations to 3rd universe states that do non run into the Directive # 8217 ; s criterions. Even go forthing aside the catastrophe that an EU-U.S. confrontation over this issue would imply, it is clear that the EU merely can non construct a wall around its boundary lines to implement its informations protection Torahs. What about American or Asiatic visitants who want to utilize thei r recognition cards in a Gallic caf? ; would every cheque with an external recognition informations base be a misdemeanor of the jurisprudence. Much more problematically, would every Web site, irrespective of where in the universe it is # 8220 ; located # 8221 ; that is accessed from Europe be capable to European jurisprudence? At least one authorization believes that to be the instance. Does that intend every Web site is capable to the Everyone # 8217 ; s jurisprudence? To no 1 # 8217 ; s jurisprudence? That every clip a European logs on to any American web site that does non run into the criterions of the EU Directive that the proprietor of that Web site is in misdemeanor? The protection of the privateness of personal information on the Web is non conformable to national or even regional solutions. The Web is a complex interconnected planetary web. At a lower limit, some grade of harmonisation of national attempts in the consequence of the jurisprudence is required. The quandary we face is the demand for planetary solutions in the face of a really existent, and really deep-rooted local differences in a political civilization, values and history. Any meaningful solution to the job of protection of personal privateness must square this circle. Absolutist places on both sides are counterproductive: Americans can non go on to reason that anything but a market based solution will drive us back into the technological dark ages and Europeans must travel beyond imitations of the American privateness environment as the # 8220 ; wild west. # 8221 ; Any effectual solution requires understanding other universe positions and more of import, credence of their cogency. We believe that and acceptable international informations privateness government will hold to concentrate on results instead than the engineering. On facts on the land instead than political orientation. On whether, at the terminal of the twenty-four hours, the net consequence is an acceptable degree of protection of privateness to the person instead than the specific agencies of achieving that aim. While this is non the topographic point for particular, elaborate recommendations, we believe that this will imply some combination of self-regulation and ordinance, possibly reinforced by privateness enabling engineerings. The privateness job is a metaphor for a more general set of jobs of administration in the age of a digital planetary economic system. Any figure of issues, including the demand for a new # 8220 ; fiscal architecture, # 8221 ; accomplishing a much needed many-sided understanding on investing, protecting the environment, human rights and worker rights require multinational solutions in the face of stark, and at times, diametrically opposed, local differences in values, belief systems and history. Again, this circle must be squared: # 8220 ; planetary # 8221 ; solutions must be found that accommodate and esteem local differences. Possibly even in this planetary age, Tip O # 8217 ; Neal, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, advice still holds: # 8220 ; all political relations is local. # 8221 ; 335
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Critical analysis of petition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Critical analysis of petition - Essay Example The college’s rationale into college algebra in the applicant’s curriculum is to satisfy the college’s minimum level mathematics competence into the course, to meet requirements for graduation, to develop an all round academic competence, and to be creative. Either the applicant meets the threshold for the reasons or the reasons are unrealistic to the applicant’s objectives and potential benefits to the society. The applicant’s experience that identify academic competence in algebra, professional application of mathematical concepts, potentials as an all round person, and the ability to outsource expertise in mathematics also justify the application for waiver. He records that he â€Å"already poses ample math skills,†and was â€Å"a machine and welding contractor†an area in which h applied algebra (Adams n.p.). A utilitarian perspective to the issue would consider the benefits that the college’s requirement for a college alge bra unit would offer to a student, the university, and the entire community that the college and the student will serve. For a student, inclusion of college algebra is justified if the unit is fundamental to the student’s profession or subsequent academic programs and if the student has not shown competence in the unit. Factors such as excellence in a similar unit and previous application of the unit’s concepts in the applicant’s profession and at advanced levels however mean that undertaking the course will not benefit the student. The requirement will also not benefit the school’s objective in the student because the student has already developed relevant competence to the college’s interest. This further means that the society derives no benefit from the requirement. The requirement also denies the applicant... The essay is related to an author, who is an Indian American and a student at the Arizona State University undertaking justice studies. His concern is that while the university requires him to take an algebra course, registering for the unit will require him to take one more semester in his current course and this will mean missing ASU College of Law entry in the fall 1993 and yet the course unit will not add value to his profession. This paper analyzes the submission and argues in its support. In the analysis of the essay, we go through the cons and pros of the situation. The pros would be that Adams’s plea for a waiver on the mathematics requirement is valid and his reasons justify this. The college’s rationale into college algebra in the applicant’s curriculum is to satisfy the college’s minimum level mathematics competence into the course, to meet requirements for graduation, to develop an all round academic competence, and to be creative. With cons, i t is however an alternative perspective regarding the waiver. The college has set its requirements for college algebra as a â€Å"minimum level of math competency†into the course and â€Å"to satisfy the university’s math requirement†for graduation and professionals agree to its existence (Adams n.p.). This means that it has been applicable to other learners and rule ethics as well as equality supports its application on the applicant. The conclusion of the essay tells us right away that Adams is an adult learner with work experience.
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