Saturday, November 2, 2019

Critical analysis of petition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical analysis of petition - Essay Example The college’s rationale into college algebra in the applicant’s curriculum is to satisfy the college’s minimum level mathematics competence into the course, to meet requirements for graduation, to develop an all round academic competence, and to be creative. Either the applicant meets the threshold for the reasons or the reasons are unrealistic to the applicant’s objectives and potential benefits to the society. The applicant’s experience that identify academic competence in algebra, professional application of mathematical concepts, potentials as an all round person, and the ability to outsource expertise in mathematics also justify the application for waiver. He records that he â€Å"already poses ample math skills,† and was â€Å"a machine and welding contractor† an area in which h applied algebra (Adams n.p.). A utilitarian perspective to the issue would consider the benefits that the college’s requirement for a college alge bra unit would offer to a student, the university, and the entire community that the college and the student will serve. For a student, inclusion of college algebra is justified if the unit is fundamental to the student’s profession or subsequent academic programs and if the student has not shown competence in the unit. Factors such as excellence in a similar unit and previous application of the unit’s concepts in the applicant’s profession and at advanced levels however mean that undertaking the course will not benefit the student. The requirement will also not benefit the school’s objective in the student because the student has already developed relevant competence to the college’s interest. This further means that the society derives no benefit from the requirement. The requirement also denies the applicant... The essay is related to an author, who is an Indian American and a student at the Arizona State University undertaking justice studies. His concern is that while the university requires him to take an algebra course, registering for the unit will require him to take one more semester in his current course and this will mean missing ASU College of Law entry in the fall 1993 and yet the course unit will not add value to his profession. This paper analyzes the submission and argues in its support. In the analysis of the essay, we go through the cons and pros of the situation. The pros would be that Adams’s plea for a waiver on the mathematics requirement is valid and his reasons justify this. The college’s rationale into college algebra in the applicant’s curriculum is to satisfy the college’s minimum level mathematics competence into the course, to meet requirements for graduation, to develop an all round academic competence, and to be creative. With cons, i t is however an alternative perspective regarding the waiver. The college has set its requirements for college algebra as a â€Å"minimum level of math competency† into the course and â€Å"to satisfy the university’s math requirement† for graduation and professionals agree to its existence (Adams n.p.). This means that it has been applicable to other learners and rule ethics as well as equality supports its application on the applicant. The conclusion of the essay tells us right away that Adams is an adult learner with work experience.

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