Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marketing Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Management - Assignment Example The company also plans to raise the prices of the brand in the future to cater for the rising price of raw material used in the production of the beverage (New, 2011). The company in an effort increase the pricing is also cautious about the effect of the rise on the volume of their sales. There is a probability of reducing the volume of sales when compared to the previous years. The company also faces the problem of their customers switching to the competitors soft drink. In view of all this, the company carefully looks at the probable way of raising the price without affecting their volume of sales (New, 2011). The coca cola company employs the two channels of distribution the direct market channelling which involves dealing directly with the customer. This direct marketing channel can also have intermediaries who are the wholesalers and retailers. The other channel is the business distribution channels the organisation utilises its own sales group to sell to business customers. This does involve multilevel distribution. This is the most commonly used procedure by the coca-cola company (MKT300, 2008). The business distribution channels consist of manufactures representatives and industrial distributors as the intermediaries. The manufactures in the direct marketing ensure that consumers get the soft drinks in time. They sell to the consumer in bulk or retail amounts and at an affair price. The retailers also ensure that consumers get the goods they usually sell in small quantities and a higher price than the manufacturers. In the business, distribution channels the manufactures representatives do sell in bulk to the industrial distributors or the Industrial customer. The distribution channels ensure that the goods reach the customer on time and in the right manner (Coca-Cola Company, 2008). Company’s monitor their channel performance to be able to plan. The channel

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